STRAUS & BROTHER, ship chandlers
and grocers, cor. Nicholson and Tyson,
L. Point, and 247, 268, 270 and 282 s
Straus Isaac, dry goods deal. 115 n Eden
Straus Jacob, horse dealer, 19 n Canal
Straus Levi, (S. & Rro.) 243 s Broadway
Straus Louisa, rear 61 s Eutaw
STRAUS MARTIN L. clothier,' 358 w
Pratt, dw 313
Straus Samuel, clothier, 61 n Greene
Strausbaugh J. W. plasterer, 185 n Eutaw
Strauss Betty, confectioner, 9 Wills
Strauss Caroline, dry goods dealer, 699 w
Strauss George, 350 s Charles
Strauss Gerson, rag dealer, 144 s Caroline
Strauss Isaac, rag dealer, 85 Mullikin
Strauss Raphael, rag dealer, 90 s Spring
Strawb Casper, cabinetmaker, 17 Gough
Strawbridge Church, (M. E.) cor. Biddle
and Garden
Streb Henry, shoemaker, 7 New Church
Streb Matthew, plasterer, 234 e Eager
Streb Peter, butcher, 235 Franklin
Strebeck John N. ship joiner, 179 Gough
Strecker, John G. grocer and feed dealer,
54 Ross
Strebost Wm. shoemaker, 114 w Lombard
Streeper Charles, cooper, 163 s Wolfe
Street Commissioners' office, 79 Second
Street David, propr. Farmers' hotel, cor.
Hillen and Forrest
Street J. B. commis. mercht. 6 Bowly's whf.
dw 106 Lee
Street John C. bacon dealer, 33 n Front
Streeter Peter laborer, 54 China al
e cor. Charles and Read
Streets John, clerk, 104 Lee
Streets John, clerk, 97 Lee
Streets Thomas, Adams and Co's Express,
345 e Baltimore
Streib Andrew, baker, 26 n High
Streits Caroline. 365 Penn. av
Stribe Jacob, wheelwright, 133 e Madison
Strickler David B. carpenter, 148 e Eager
Strider Joseph, shoemaker, 156 Sarah Ann
Strider Tal. P. pattern store, 1 s Gay
Striebel George, grocery, 53 Aisquith
Striebel John, confectionery, 53 Aisquith
Striesler Antoine, laborer, 174 s Canal
Striewig Henry, carpenter, 171 Raborg, dw.
259 Mulberry
Striewig Samuel, carpenter, 239 Mulberry
Strilling William, blacksmith, 125 Camden
Strin Charles, carrier, 332 Mulberry
Strine Charles, Grundy near Biddle
Stringfellow Rev. Horace, jr. 26 Stiles
Strobeck Catherine, grocery. 27 Bank
Strobel Albert, ship joiner, 38 s Broadway
Strobel Charles, green grocer, 284 Mont-
Strobel Geo. laborer, 276 s Bond
Strobel Henry, tobacconist,221 s Broadway
Strobel John, basket maker, 37 Lancaster
Strobel John P. 38 s Broadway
Strobel Michael, laborer, 235 Eastern av
Strobel Michael, 41 Brown
Strobel Wm. collector, 38 s Broadway
Strock Catherine, 76 Union
Strodtman Harrnan H. laborer, cor. Lead-
enhall and Hamburg
Strodtman Henry, grocery, Hamburg near
Strodtman John G. liquor dealer,38 Second
Stroehlem Eberhardt, watchmaker and
jeweler, 78 Pearl
Siroh Conrad, tobacconist, 234 Bar re
Sfroh Nicholas, grocerv, 156 Aliceanna
STROHM J. F. general commis. business,
67 South, up stairs
Strohmer Michael, shoemak. 334 Mulberry
Strohmeyer George, rnercht. tailor,8 n Gay
Strohmeyer Henry, laborer, Townsend nr
Penn. av
Strohrmann Geo. F. tailor, 72 Perry
Strokaker M. carpenter, 388 Penn. av
Stromberg John, William Tell house, s w
cor. Pratt and West Falls av
Stromberger George, tinner, 77 Forrest
Strong Alexander, carter, 41 Harmony lane
Strop Adam, carter, 1 Grace's court
Strotmyer, Frederick, tavern, 71 Hughes
Strouse Wm. shoemaker, 394 s Charles
Strow William, potter, 660 w Baltimore
Strow William, laborer, 53 President
Strube Henry, painter, 70 n Schroeder
Struckfus Mary Ann, 2 Creek al
Struckman Conrad, blacksmith, 23 Barre
Strupp Peter, shoemaker, 132 Hamburg
Strutholl Elizabeth, bakery, 62 n Exeter
Stuart David, Cathedral near Madison
Stuart Glendy, (Hugh Bolton & Co.) 102 e
Stuart Jas. jr. house and ship painter, over
81 McElderry's whf. dw 76 s Caroline
Stuart John, hack driver, 199 Saratoga
Stubbins Charles, clerk, 143 Conway
Stubbs Edward, carpenter, 205 Conway
Stubbs Sarah, 85 Lee
Stubbs Wm. wagoner Adams Express Co.
205 Conway
Stuchfield Elizabeth, confectioner, 147 s
Stutchfield Jos, T. furniture carver. 147 s
Stuchuish Henry, furniture wagoner, 128
Stuckel Adam, tavern, 99 n Paca
Stuffel Henry, tinner, 146 s Fremont, dw
Columbia near Fremont
Stuffle Fredk. carder, 31 Gittings
Stuhmann Henry, shoemaker, 163 s Bond
Stumel Nicholas, blacksmith, Washington
near Cross
Stumer Michael, laborer, 79 Washington
Stumner John, cooper, 96 Thames
Stump Alexander H. (Hyatt & Stump) 268
w Fayette
Stump Casper, laborer, 38 Hammond al
Stump Casper, tailor, 199 Mulberry
Stump Conrad, laborer, 101 Lancaster
Stump Conrad, shoemaker, 30 St. Mary
Stump George, cabinetmaker, 181 Conway
Stump Henry, judge of Criminal Court,
office 57 w Fayette, dw Barnum's hotel
Stump James, baker, 172 Penn. av
Stump Wm. H. 246 n Eutaw
Stumpf Henry, cabinetmaker, 135 Camden