Monmonier Dr. John F. 225 e Baltimore
Monroe James gunsmith, 69 n Caroline
Monroe J. Edwards, clerk, 84 s Paca
Monroe John L. dealer in china and queens-
ware, 194 s Broadway
Monroe John H. carpenter, 92 Lee
Monroe Nathan, 91 Hanover
Monsarral Nicholas, Lanvale near Grundy
Monsarrat Oscar, apothecary, 113 s Broad-
Monsterry Thos. H. tobacconist, 14 North
Montague Catharine, milliner, 139 n Eutaw
Montague Chas. P. Havana cigar dealer,
192 w Baltimore, dw 76 McCulloh
Montague D. P. clerk, 76 McCulloh
MONTAGUE PAUL, carter, 161 Bur-
gundy al
Montague Richard, gilder, 139 n Eutaw
Montague Wm. carpenter, 85 Pearl
Montague Wm. L. jr. agent Augusta Ins.
and Banking Co. 5 Exchange buildings,
dw 76 McCulloh
Montefiore R. stencil cutter, 12 Mercer
Monteith Rebecca, 156 Pennsylvania av
Montell Edwin A. (Jas. E. M. & Bro.) 53
Montell Elizabeth, 33 Courtland
Montell Frs. T. commission merchant, 97
Smith's whf. dw 5 Franklin
Montell Isabel, 572 Lexington
MONTELL JAS. E. & BRO. tobacco and
general commis. merchants, 58 Exchange
Place, dw J. E. M. 207 w Madison
Montell Mary, 267 Lexington
Monteverde John, confectioner, 196 w Pratt
Montgomery & Bro. grain fan maker, 155
n High, dw Joseph M. 181 e Eager
Montgomery Dr. James, 134 n Eutaw
Montgomery James, (M. & Bro.) 190 East
Montgomery Jno. engineer, 35 s Republican
Montgomery John, grocery, 105 Hillen
Montgomery Henry, bl'ksmith,176 Hughes
Montgomery Hall, cor Hanover and Mont-
Montgomery Norris, wholesale dealer in
millinery ribbons, bonnets, &c. over 211
w Baltimore, dw 76 e Baltimore
Montgomery Saml. shoemaker, 232 Preston
Montgomery Samuel, weaver, 12 Pearl al
MONTGOMERY THOS. oyster saloon
116 Franklin
Montgomery Wm. S. grocery, 98 Mullikin
Montimer John, boatbuilder, 99 n Exeter
Monument Street M. E. Church, cor Monu-
ment and Stirling
Monumental Hose Co's House, Bank lane
Mood John, carter, 165 Regester
Mood John, laborer, 62 Philpot
Mooily Daniel, tavern, 75 n Gay
Moody John B. tobacconist and agent fo
Snuff Mill Co. 24 Buren, dw 5 Jackson
Moody John A. bricklayer, 252 Biddle
Moody Robert, carpenter. 204 Chesnut
Moody Stephen G. tavern, 7 Saratoga, dw
91 n Front
Mook George, baker, 708 w Baltimore
Mook John, tailor, cor Bank and Chapel
Moon Edward butcher, Baltimore near
Moon Robert, huckster, 75 Hamburg
Moon Wm. D. rope maker, 462 Light
Mooney Anna, 7 Willow
Mooney Francis, grocery, 290 Harford av
Mooney Henry, blacksmith, 80 Warner
Mooney Hugh, (Brandey & M.) Warner
near Lee
Mooney James, laborer, 206 Vine
Mooney John, chairmaker, 31 Stirling
Mooney John, machinist, 232 Hollins
Mooney Patrick, grocery, 63 Gough
Mooney Patrick, hackman, 64 Chesnut
Mooney Richard, mason, 150 Ensor
Mooney Rosa, 7 Willow
Mooney Thomas, porter, 7 Willow
Mooney Wm. shoemaker, 96 Low
Moore Adam, laborer, 176 Eastern av
Moore Ann Jane, grocery, 256 s Broadway
Moore Archibald, shoemaker, 24 n Eden
Moore Anthony, 186 Chesnut
Moore Chs. (Robt. M.& Bro.)183 w Fayette
Moore Christian, laborer, 47 Boyd
Moore David, broker. South, dw 57 n Eutaw
Moore David W. 289 w Fayette
ries and druggists, 203 Hanover
Moore Edward, jeweler, 32 n Front
Moore Edward A. baker. 284 n Gay
MOORE & EMORY, druggists, cor How-
ard and Madison
Moore Mrs. Francis, 210 n Eutaw
Moore & Fisher, coal dealers, cor Cathe-
dral and Preston
Moore George W. machinist, 326 Franklin
Moore George, halter, 247 n Canal
Moore George, paper hang. 74 n Schroeder
Moore Geo. clerk, cor Calvert & Franklin
Moore George S. mate of steamboat, 473
n Poppleton
Moore George W. seaman, 37 n Caroline
Moore Henry, 90 Aisquith
Moore Henry C. plasterer, 57 Mullikin
Moore Henry W. clerk, 574 Saratoga
Moore Horatio N. woolen manufacturer,
123 e Lombard
Moore Humphrev, bookseller and stationer,
192 w Pratt
Moore J. C. clerk, 219 Mulberry
Moore J. T. (M. & Emory,) 221 n Howard
Moore James, grocery, 300 Aliceanna
Moore James A. carder and epinner, 167
Moore James A. cabinetmaker. 29 Valery
Moore Jarnes B. machinist, 6 Richmond
Moore James C. carpenter, 157 Vine
Moore Jas. G. & Co. book and job printers,
over 77 w Baltimo. dw J. G. M. 47 Buren
Moore John, grocery, 70 Granby
Moore John, stevedore, 31 Thames
Moore John, carpenter, 132 Cross
Monre John, pump and block maker, 143
Castle al
Moore John, (R. & J. M.) 183 w Fayetle
Moore John H. machinist, 74 Barre
Moore John R. president Associated Fire-
men's Insurance Co. 32 n Front
Moore Joseph, machinist, 47 Buren
Moore Lieut. J. H., U. S. N., 71 McCulloh
Moore Louisa, 185 Orleans
Moore Martha, 57 Mullikin
Moore Mary, 183 Eastern av