Gibson Ann, 19 New Church
Gibson Ann Maria, Oregon near Saratoga
Gibson Ann, boarding house, 10 South
Gibson Charles A. clerk, 57 Garden
Gibson Charles C. 226 n Eutaw
Gibson & Co. auctioneers, 7 n Charles
Gibson Capt. James, 63 n Charles
Gibson Chas. T. (G. & Kirk,) 240 e Monu-
Gibson Edward, carter, Cooksey, Locust P.
Gibson Emeline, 142 Raborg
Gibson Franklin, blacksmith, 18 East Falls
av. dw 102 s Exeter
Gibson George, (Gibson&Co.) 119 n Charles
Gibson Dr. George S. 116 Park
Gibson Dr. G. S. jr. 116 Park
Gibson Henry W. painter, 70 Ross
Gibson James A. tinner, 222 e Monument
Gibson James jr. 90 Saratoga
Gibson John, boot & shoe store, 40 Camden
Gibson John R. clerk, Monument near Eden
Gibson John, laborer, 23 e Fayette
Gibson J. S. confectioner, 20 George
Gibson John, salesman, 292 e Monument
Gibson Joseph, shoemaker, 4 Ensor
Gibson Joseph, brass founder, 33 Jefferson
Gibson Capt. John L. 108 s Exeter
Gibson Joseph, laborer, Morton near Biddle
GIBSON & KIRK, lock manufacturers
and bell hangers, 1 Cheapside
Gibson Mary, 115 n Calvert
Gibson Mary, 10 Fountain
Gibson Michael, laborer, 29 Buren
Gibson Patrick, cashier Bank of Baltimore,
29 Cathedral
Gibson R. F. (J. B. Welsh & Co.) 122 e Balt.
Gibson Robert, mariner, 93 Regester
Gibson Robert, 115 Hollins
Gibson Robert F. (J. B. Welsh & Co.) 122
e Baltimore
Gibson Robert, weaver, 73 Preston
Gibson Robert, plumber, 2 McClellan, dw
833 w Baltimore
Gibson Thomas, soap and candle maker,
4 Albemarle
Gibson Wm. H. clerk, Charles nr Franklin
Gibson's Wharf, s end of Fell
Giclelman Maurice, restaurant, 5 South
Giegerich Ignatius, tailor, 5 Regester
Gies And. W. smith in general, 35 n Canal
Gies John, laborer, 35 Fell
Gies John, grocery, 2G1 Forrest
Giese Adam, stune cutter, 59 Union
GIESE J. HENRY & CO. coal dealers, 9
South, and 21 Spear's wharf, dw J. H. G.
Cathedral near Read, [See Advertisement.]
Giese J. Henry, (Carr, G. & Co.) 156
Giese Lewis W. H. com. lumber agt. East
Falls av. dw 156 Cathedral
Giesel Christopher, carpenter, 270 n Canal
Giesen Rev. Henry, Aisquith near Eager
Gieser John H. shoemaker, 376 Saratoga
Giesregen Bowles, cabinet maker, 4 Ham-
mond al
Giesrehn Fredk. baker, 120 Green Mt. av
Giest Geo. brickmaker, 899 w Pratt
Giest Henry, brickmaker, 903 w Pratt
Gifel John, tailor, 316 Aliceanna
Giffin Geo. cabinet maker, 172 Dover
Gifford Alex, carpenter, 19 Caroline, dw
Fayette near Broadway
Gifford Hugh, foreman pottery, 92 Bond
Gifford Jas. J. carpenter, 188 e Fayette
Gifford Thos. 131 Orleans
Giger Mrs. F. S. prof, of music, 187 n Eutaw
Giglin A. shoemaker, 19 Eutaw ct
Gikeline Lawrence, weaver 111 Pierce
Gilbert Aquilla, carpenter, 42 Pearl, dw 98
Gilbert Benjamin, grocer, 622 w Baltimore
Gilbert John, printer, 5 Spring ct
Gilbert Wm. B. shoemaker, 152 Columbia
Gilbrian John, laborer. 39 Chapel
Gildea Ann, milliner, 14 Barnet
Gildea Francis, bricklayer, 31 St. Mary
Gildea John, bellows maker, 4 Richmond
Gildea John, laborer, 7 Mulberry al
Gildea John, clerk, St. Mary near Madison
Gildersleve Geo. public weigher and com.
mercht. 63 s Gay, dw Charles n of Eager
Gilegan John, huckster, 7 Jasper
Giles George, laborer, 4 Cuba, Locust Pt
Giles Henry M. clerk, 50 South
Giles' Hotel, 124 w Baltimore
Giles John R. hotel, 124 w Baltimore and 50
w Fayette
Giles Joseph, cooper, 256 s Eutaw
Giles Mary, tailor, 145 Eastern av
Giles Wm. oak cooper, 346 Mulberry
Giles Hon. William F. judge U. S. District
Court, 17 Franklin
Gil ing John, grocery, 297 n Canal
GILL BRYSON & SON, dentists, cuppers
and leechers, 56 Sharp
Gill Charles, grocer, 296 e Pratt
Gill Elisha H. ship carp. 257 Aliceanna
Gill Elisha P. gardener,e of Clinton, Canton
Gill Elizabeth, boarding house, 257 Alice-
Gill George M. attorney, 36 St. Paul, dw 38
Gill George, fisherman, 159 Washington
Gill Henry, typefounder, 340 Aisquith
Gill James R. ship carp. 193 Washington
Gill Joseph, tavern, 36 St. Mary
Gill Luther, saddler, 336 w Pratt
Gill Nicholas, cedar cooper, 460 w Lombard
Gill Noah, cooper, 102 Smith's wharf, dw
419 n Gav
Gill Owen A. (Martin Gillett & Co.) 160 w
Gill Richard, machinist. 33 Buren
Gill Samuel, dentist, 142 German
Gill Stephen, ship carp. 159 Washington
Gill William F. dentist, 87 n Greene
Gill Wm. L. teller Merchant's bank, 41
Gillan Jas. laborer, 23 Guilford al
Gillan John, laborer, 75 Boyd
Gillan Michael, 75 Portland
Gillar Charles, tinner, 301 Franklin
Gillard Wm. H. clerk, 12 Chatsworth
Gillard Wm. H. (G. R. Dodge & Co.) 1
Gillbee Catharine, Ross near Hoffman
Gillen Robert, printer, 64 n Front
Gillespie Martha, 89 Harford av
Gillespie Stephen,cabinetmak. 183 Aisquith
Gillespie Wm. copper-plate and wood en-
graver, over 219 w Baltimore, dw 235