Volume 543, Page 252b View pdf image |
June Court 1763 252
afsd: the third tuesday of June being the Twenty first day of the same month Anno Dom. one thou- -sand Seven hundred and sixty three before Sampson Wheatly Gent and others his associates Justices of the same Court the peace in the same County to keep assigned as also to her and deter -mine divers felonys trespasses and other Misdeeds in the same County committed by the oath of Twelve honest and lawfull men of the county afsd: then and there sworn and charged to Inquire for his said Lordship and the body of the county afsd: it is presented in manner following Somerset County fst The Jurors for his Lordship the Right Honrble the Lord proprietary that now is for the Body of Somerset County upon their oath present that Negro Liverpool Late of Somerset pa- -rish in the county afsd: the man slave of a certain Solomon Long of the parish and county afsd: after the tenth day of September which was in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred thirty and seven to witt on the Eighteenth day of June in the year of our Lord one thou -sand seven hundred sixty and three with force and Arms at the parish afsd: in the county afsd within the Jurisdiction of this court the outhouse of a certain William Miles at the parish afsd: in the county afsd in the county afsd being substantially built and the door thereof well secured with a lock did break and Enter and Eight Loaves of Single refined white Sugar of the Value of five shillings Sterling each loaf of Sugar the goods and chattles of a certain John Furlong then therein found then and there feloniously did steal take and carry away against the peace of his Lordship the Right Honrble the Lord propry that now is his good Rule and Government and against the form of the act of Assembly in such case made and provided and so forth Thereupon it is commanded the sheriff of Somerset County that he should take the said Negro Liverpool if &c. to answer &c. And now to wit the afsd: Twenty first day of June and year afsd: before his Said Lordships Justices Court of the county ^ afsd: at princess Ann Town afsd: Came the afsd: Negro Liverpool under custody of Ephra -im Wilson Gent sheriff of the county afsd: (in whose custody before that Time for the cause afsd he was committed) and being brought to the Barr in his proper Person is committed to the said sheriff and being forthwith asked how he of the felony and Burglary in the Indictment mentioned above upon him Imposed will thereof acquitt himself saith that he is in no sort thereof guilty and thereupon of Good and Evill he puts himself upon the Country Therefore Let the Jury thereupon Immediately Come before the afsd: Justices and who are of no affi- -nity to the said Negro Liverpool to Recognize upon their oath whether the said Negro Liver -pool is guilty of the felony and Burglary in the Indictment afsd: mentioned or not, and the Jurors of that Jury by the said Sheriff to this Matter Impannelled and returned to witt Daniel Wails, David Wilson, Thomas Pollit, Thomas Jones, Arnold Elzey, Robert Dasheill, Southy Whittington, John Nairn, Benjamin Cottman, Elijah Conway, Thomas Humphris, and Wilson Rider being called came who to say the truth of the premises afsd: being Elected tryed and sworn upon their oath say that the afsd: Negro Liverpool is Guilty of the felony and Burglary afsd: in the Indictment Specified charged upon him in manner and form as by the Indictment above against him supposed And hereupon the said Negro Liverpool is immediately asked if he has or knows anything to say for himself why the court here ought not to proceed to Judgement Concerning him upon the Verdict afsd: who doth not say any thing farther that as before he had said Whereupon all and singular the premises being Seen and by the court here fully understood it is considered by the court here that the afsd Negro Liverpool be carried to the goal from whence he came and from thence to be drawn to the Gallows at princess Ann Town and there to be hanged by the Neck untill he be dead &c |
Volume 543, Page 252b View pdf image |
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