CHAP 40.
An act to extend to Thomas W Morgan late Collector of
St Mary's county further time to complete his collections
and for other purposes
Passed Jan 31 1835
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the time limited by law, in which Thomas W Morgan, col-
lector of St Mary's county should have completed his col-
lections, be and the same is hereby extended to the first day
of January, eighteen hundred and thirty six and that the
said Thomas W Morgan, shall within said time be allowed
to complete his collections as fully as if the same had been
Time extended
done within the time limited by law Provided nevertheless, it
shall not be lawful for said Thomas W Morgan to execute
the property of any person or persons against whom he has
any claim or claims lor taxes without having first left a
copy of the claim at the residence of each person or persons
at least sixty days before proceeding to execute, and provi-
ded also, if any person or persons against whom said Thom-
as W Morgan has a claim shall make affidavit before
some one Justice of the Peace in and for St Mary's county,
that he, she or they, or any other person for him, her or
them has paid such claim, or secured the same to be paid,
or in any manner satisfied said claim, or produced a receipt
for the payment of said claim, the same shall forever estop
the said Thomas W Morgan from all proceedings by vir-
tue of this act
An act to make valid the partition of certain real estate, lying
in Frederick County, in conformity with the provisions of a
certain deed made and executed by and between Henry Cla-
gett and Julia Clagett his wife of the one part and Graf-
ton Duvall and Elizabeth W Duvall his wife, of the other
part bearing date the 25th day of June, it the year of our
Lord 1821, and recorded in Liber J S No. 13 folios
545, &c one of the land records of Frederick County, afore
Passed Jan 31 1835
WHEREAS, it appears to this General Assembly, by the
memorial in writing of Henry Clagett, Grafton Duvall and