the Circuit Court of the County wherein such offense was
committed, or the Criminal Court of Baltimore City, should
the accused party prefer a jury trial, shall be fined not less
than twenty nor more than fifty dollars for each and every
offense, and in default of the payment of the fine and costs,
shall be committed to the jail of the county or city, as the case
may be, until such fine and costs are paid, provided, that said
term of imprisonment shall not exceed thirty days for each
offence; such fines shall be paid to the Adjutant General of
the State, who shall apply the same to the use of the active
59. Any member of the Maryland National Guard, or
Organized Militia, who shall wilfully and unlawfully mis-
apply or convert to his own use any money or other property
belonging to said National Guard, or Organized Militia, or
any organization thereof, or who shall, when lawfully called
upon to do so by the proper officer, fail or refuse to pay or
deliver to said officer any money or property in his possession,
or for which the said member was chargeable or accountable,
shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof
before a court of competent jurisdiction, shall be fined a sum
not exceeding five hundred dollars, or sentenced to imprison-
ment in jail for a period not exceeding one year, or he shall
be both fined and imprisoned, in the discretion of the Court.
60. No person belonging to the Maryland National Guard,
or Organized Militia, shall be arrested on any process except
such as may be issued by military authority, while going to,
remaining at, or returning from any place at which he may be
required to attend for military duty.
It shall be unlawful for the owner, or the owner's agent,
whatever may be the latter's designation, of any place of
amusement or of recreation, otherwise opened to the general
public, admission to which is free or otherwise, to refuse ad-
mission to or exclude from the said place of amusement or of
recreation, any officer or enlisted men of the United States
Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Revenue Cutter Service, the
National Guard of this State or of any State, Territory and
of the District of Columbia, by reason of such officer or en-
listed man being in uniform, and any such owner, or agent
aforesaid, who, upon conviction before a court of criminal
jurisdiction, shall be found guilty of a violation of the pro-
vision of this section shall be deemed and he is hereby declared