son who shall knowingly or wilfully pollute any spring,
stream, brook, watercourse, reservoir or standpipe in con-
nection with the said waterworks so built or constructed or
acquired by throwing in any impure or deleterious substances
into the same, or by swimming, bathing or washing themselves,
or by washing clothes or any other thing therein, or by com-
mitting any nuisance in or near the source of supply, or the
reservoir or standpipe or water sheds for said waterworks, so
as to pollute the same, shall upon conviction for such offense,
be liable to a fine of not less than fifty dollars nor more than
five hundred dollars for each and every offense, to be recov-
ered by the said Mayor and Town Council before a Justice of
the Peace or the Circuit Court for Garrett County as other
fines are recovered, or to imprisonment in the county jail or
the Maryland House of Correction for a term of not less than
six months nor more than two years, or both fine and im-
prisonment in the discretion of the Court or Justice of the
Peace, one-half of said fine to go to the informer, if any, and
the balance to the Mayor and Town Council of Kitzmillers-
ville for the purposes of this Act, or if no informer all shall
go to said Mayor and Town Council; provided that in any
prosecution before a Justice of the Peace under this section
the accused shall have the right to waive his hearing and to
demand and receive a jury trial in the Circuit Court for Gar-
rett County, or in event of conviction before said Justice of
the Peace to appeal the same to the said Circuit Court for
Garrett County at any time within ten days from the date of
said conviction, and any person who shall so waive his hear-
ing and ask for a jury trial or take an appeal from the de-
cision of Justices of the Peace shall be held by recognizance or
be committed to the county jail to appear before the next
regular jury term of said Circuit Court for Garrett County.
SECTION 5. And be it enacted, That for the purpose of
paying the interest on said bonds and to redeem such bonds
as they shall fall due and payable, the said Mayor and Town
Council of Kitzmillersville are hereby authorized to levy upon
the taxable property in said town, at their annual levy term,
all such taxes as may be necessary for said purpose.
SECTION 6. And be it further enacted, That the Mayor and
Town Council aforesaid are hereby authorized and empow-
ered to negotiate, sell and dispose of said bonds, or so many
thereof as may be deemed necessary, either at public auction