be contrary to the provisions of the Act or Acts of Congress
appropriating Federal aid therefor, and the term "lateral
road" as used herein shall include bridges, and authority is
hereby given to the State Roads Commission to build such
bridges as it may decide to be a proper part of the rural post
road and lateral road system, as hereinbefore described; such
bridges, if upon lateral roads, to be charged against the comi-
ties within which the same are located in the same manner as
are lateral roads, and to be paid for by said counties to the
same extent.
SEC. 9. And be it further enacted, That the County Com-
missioners of the several counties of this State and the Mayor
and City Council of Baltimore are hereby respectively directed
to levy State taxes for the year 1921 at 7-10 of 1c on each $100
of assessable property; for the year 1922 at 1c on each $100
of assessable property; for the year 1923, 1c on each $100
of assessable property; for the year 1924, and annually there-
after, to and including the .year 1936, 2 l-10c on each $100 of
assessable property, to be collected according to law, to meet
the interest on the amount of said certificates outstanding,
and also to meet and redeem so much of the principal, in each
of said years, as will be represented by certificates redeemable
in each year respectively, as herein specified in Section 2 of
this Act.
SEC. 10. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take
effect from and after the first day of June, 1920.
Approved April 23, 1920.
AN ACT to establish the Maryland Teachers' Retirement
System; to create a retirement fund, and to provide for
the payment of annuities to teachers in State educational
institutions who retire or become disabled.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That the following words and phrases as used in this
Act shall have the following meanings:
(1) "Teacher" shall mean any teacher, principal, super-
visor or superintendent employed in a public day school within
the State, or in any State educational institution supported
and controlled by the State.