within the corporate limits of said town from taxation for cor-
porate purposes for five years, but any ordinance, resolution
or contract which exempts any property, except such as a man-
ufacturing plant, or for a period for longer than five years,
shall be absolutely void in all respects whatever. (22) to
preserve the cleanliness, health, safety, peace and good order
of the town, and to protect the lives and property of the citi-
zens thereof; (23) to punish and suppress vagrancy, gambling
and the sale or giving away of spirituous or fermented liquors
or lager beer or intoxicating drinks of any kind within the
limits of said town; (24) to purchase, receive and hold such
real and personal property as may be necessary or proper for
municipal purposes, and to control, dispose of and convey the
same for the benefit of the town; and also to establish a market
and to regulate the same, and to license the sale of marketable
commodities; (25) they shall also have power to provide for
the codification of all ordinances of said town, and to cause
the same to be printed, together with the charter of the town;
(26) they shall also have power to grant for a period not ex-
ceeding forty years, upon such terms, rates, fares and charges
and conditions as may be presented by ordinances, specified
franchises or rights in and relating to any of the public prop-
erty or places, as the right to use any highway, avenue, street,
lane or alley, either on, above or below the surface of the same,
and in and along its water front; every such grant shall spe-
cifically set forth and define the nature, extent and duration
of the franchise or right, shall make provision by way of for-
feiture or otherwise, of the grant and to secure efficiency of
public service at reasonable rates and the maintenance of the
property in good condition throughout the full term of the
grant; (27) to suppress, abate and discontinue all nuisances
within the corporate limits of the said town; (28) and in addi-
tion to the power of providing by contract for the lighting of
its streets, lanes, alleys, public places and buildings of the
town, they shall have the power also to construct or purchase,
own, improve, extend, repair, maintain and operate an electric
light plant for the purpose of lighting said streets, etc., and
for furnishing light and power for the use of the citizens there-
of, and to this end to acquire by gift, grant, lease, purchase or
condemnation proceedings, all lands, tenements, rights, ways,
privileges and franchises necessary to carry this power into
effect; (29) to provide for the punishment of any person or
persons keeping a vicious or annoying dog and to provide for
the killing of any such dog.