dent and migratory, in this State, shall be and are hereby de-
clared to be, the property of the State.
Section 28B. Be it further enacted, That for the purposes
of this Act the following shall be considered game birds:
Anatidae, or waterfowl, including brant, wild ducks, geese and
swans; Rallidae, or rails, including coots (mudhens), galli-
nules, sora and other rails; Limicolae, or shore birds, including
woodcock, snipe, yellowlegs and plover; Gallinae, including
quail, partridges, ruffed grouse, wild turkeys, and pheasants;
doves so far only as Talbot County is concerned, reedbirds
(rice birds or bobolinks) and blackbirds. All other species of
wild resident or migratory birds shall be considered non-game
Section 28C. Be it further enacted, That no person within
the State shall kill, catch or have in his or their possession, liv-
ing or dead, any resident or migratory wild bird other than a
game bird, or purchase, offer or expose for sale, any such wild
non-game bird, after it has been killed or caught, except, as
permitted by this Act.
Section 28D. Be it further enacted, That no part of the
plumage, skin or body of any bird protected by this Act shall
be sold or had in possession for sale, and this irrespective of
whether said bird was captured or killed within or without the
Section 28E. Be it further enacted, That no person, within
the State shall take or destroy, or attempt to take or destroy,
the nest or the eggs of any wild bird, or have such nest or
eggs in his or their possession, except as permitted in this Act
Section 28F. Be it further enacted, That it shall be unlaw-
ful for any person or persons or any corporation acting as a
common carrier, its officers, agents or servants, to ship, carry,
take or transport, either within, or beyond the confines of the
State, any resident or migratory wild non-game bird, except as
permitted by this Act.
Section 28G. Be it further enacted, That Sections 28-C-D-E
and F of this Act shall not apply to any person holding a cer-
tificate giving the right to take birds, their nest or eggs for
strictly scientific purposes, as provided for in Section 28H of
this Act, nor does it prevent any householder from keeping any
resident or migratory birds in cages as pets, provided they are
not kept for sale, barter or exchange, and that they shall not be
shipped beyond the confines of the State.