the Clerk of the Court having original jurisdiction of the mis-
demeanor described in Section 78-A of this Act. The said for-
feited recognizance shall then become a record of said Court,
and shall have the same effect and may be enforced in the same
manner as if it had been taken and forfeited by the Court. If
the magistrate be satisfied by information and due proof under
oath at any time during said two-year period that the defendant
has violated the terms of the order, he shall forthwith commit
or bail the defendant for the action of the Grand Jury as in
other cases.
78-C. If any such parent be a public charge and receives
maintenance and support from any County or municipality in
the State of Maryland, then such County or municipality may
recover, from time to time, the sum or sums expended for the
maintenance and support of such parent by civil action against
the adult children, or any adult child, who may be possessed
of or able to earn means sufficient to provide such parent with
necessary shelter, food, care and clothing; provided recovery-
may not be had for maintenance and support furnished more
than two years before the institution of any suit.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take
effect from the first day of June, 1916.
Approved April 18th, 1916.
AN ACT to repeal and re-enact with amendments all that part
of Section 8 of Chapter 180 of the Acts of the General
Assembly of Maryland of 1910, approved April 5, 1910,
which relates to the disposition to be made of fees charged
and collected by the Public Service Commission.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That all that part of Section 8 of Chapter 180 of the Acts
of the General Assembly of Maryland of the year 1910 relating
to the Public Service Commission and approved April 5, 1910,
which reads as follows:
"All fees charged and collected by the Commission shall be-
long to the State of Maryland and shall be paid monthly ac-
companied by a detailed statement thereof into the treasury of
the State, and become part of the general funds of the State;