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Session Laws, 1916
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more County, by deed dated November 27, 1907, and recorded
in R. O. No. 2387 folio 319, etc., one of the Land Records of
Baltimore City.

(q) ten lots of ground and ground rents issuing thereout,
nine rents of sixty dollars each, and one rent of sixty-six dol-
lars, known as Nos. 2500, 2502, 2504, 2506, 2508, 2510, 2512,
2514, 2516 and 2518 Hollins Street, conveyed to the Vestry of
St. Paul's Parish in Baltimore County, by deed dated August
20, 1909, and recorded in S. C. L. No. 2521 folio 315, etc., one
of the Land Records of Baltimore City.

61. to the devise contained in the will of Lavinia Worth-
ington late of Frederick County, State of Maryland, to Charles
A. D. Williams and Walter A. England, trustees of $1000 - in
trust for the keeping in repair and good order of the grave-
yard of the Zion Episcopal Church at Urbana, which will is of
record in the office of the Register of Wills of Frederick County
in Liber S. D. T. No. 2 folio 23, etc.

62. to the following deeds, gifts, grants, sales to the Church
Extension Society of Diocese of Maryland, Incorporated, a body
corporate of the State of Maryland:

(a) to a gift and conveyance from Caroline Marks, dated
June 5, 1915, and recorded among the Land Records of Balti-
more County, State of Maryland, Liber W. P. C. No. 448 folio
142, etc., of a lot of ground in Baltimore County.

(b) to a deed and conveyance from Mary K. Harryman,
et al, dated June 25, 1915, and recorded among the Land Rec-
ords of Baltimore County in Liber W. P. C. No. 448 folio 143,
etc., of the lot of ground in Baltimore County.

(e) to a deed and conveyance from Mary F. Jacobs and
husband, dated November 1, 1915, and recorded among the Land
Records of Baltimore County in Liber W. P. C. No. 454 folio 99,
etc., of two lots of ground in Baltimore County.

(d) to a deed and conveyance from Max F. Gebhardt, et al,
dated September 18, 1913', and recorded among the Land Rec-
ords of Baltimore City in Liber S. C. L. No. 2846 folio 401, etc.,
of five lots of ground on the north side of Lombard Street, in
Baltimore City.

63. to the following deed and bequests to the Convention of
the Protestant Episcopal Church of the Diocese of Maryland, a
body corporate:

(a) to a deed and conveyance from Edward Higgins and
wife dated February 5, 1916, and recorded among the Land
Records of Anne Arundel County in Liber G. W. No. 124 folio
276, etc., of a church lot in Brooklyn, Anne Arundel County.

(b) to the bequests and devises contained in the last will
and testament of Ann Louisa M. Gott, late of Baltimore County,


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Session Laws, 1916
Volume 534, Page 1260   View pdf image (33K)
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