ernor at the end of each fiscal year of the expenditures of said
funds with the vouchers thereto attached.
For the support of the organized militia of the State, to be
distributed, applied and expended under the supervision of the
Governor and Commander-in-Chief in accordance with the Acts
of Assembly in such case made and provided, the following sums,
or so much thereof as may be necessary, are appropriated; for
the contingent and necessary expenses of the Adjutant General's
Office and for the maintenance, equipment and discipline of the
land force of the militia, duly organized as prescribed by said
Acts of Assembly, the sum of ninety thousand dollars; for the
maintenance, equipment and discipline of the first naval bat-
talion, duly organized as prescribed by said Acts of Assembly,
the sum of ten thousand dollars.
To the Maryland School for Boys, twenty thousand dollars;
to the House of Reformation and Instruction for Colored Chil-
dren, fifteen thousand dollars; to the Maryland Industrial
School for Girls, eight thousand five hundred dollars; to the
Maryland House of Correction, twenty-five thousand dollars; to
the Maryland School for the Blind, for the education of the
deaf, dumb and blind colored children of the State, twelve thou-
sand dollars; to the Deaf and Dumb Asylum at Frederick, for
the education of the deaf and dumb, thirty-seven thousand five
hundred dollars; to the Maryland Tuberculosis Sanatorium, one
hundred and sixty thousand dollars; to the Pine Bluff Sana-
torium, ten thousand dollars; to the Rosewood State Training
School, one hundred and twenty thousand dollars; to the Spring
Grove State Hospital, eighty-six thousand dollars; to the
Springfield State Hospital, one hundred and sixty thousand
dollars; to the Crownsville State Hospital, sixty thousand dol-
lars, and to the Eastern Shore State Hospital, thirty thousand
To the State Vaccine Agent, for his salary, six hundred dol-
lars, and to defray the expenses of procuring reliable vaccine
virus, two thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be neces-
sary; for printing the report of the State Tax Commissioner,
six hundred dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary;
for postage of the Executive Department, Land Office, Comp-