persons named in the last will and testament of Leanna Englar,
deceased, dated the 16th day of November, 1909, and recorded
in the office of the Register of Wills of Carroll County in Wills
Liber WA No. 11, folio 227, etc,
(25) To the following sundry bequests and devises under
the last will and testament of Maria L. Flook, late of Frederick
County, Maryland; (a) to the bequest of one hundred and fifty
dollars to "The Theological Seminary of the General Synod of
the Evangelical Lutheran Church in the United States; (b) to
the bequest of one hundred and fifty dollars to the Council of
the Evangelical Lutheran Church Zion, Middletown, Maryland;
(c) to the bequest of one-half of the rest and residue of her
estate to the "Tressler Orphans' Home of the Evangelical
Lutheran Church of the General Synod in the United States of
America," shown by the executors' account to be the sum of
two hundred and eighty-eight dollars and sixty-three cents;
(d) to the bequest of one-half of the rest and residue of her
estate to the "Woman's Home and Foreign Missionary So-
ciety of the General Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church
in the United States," shown by the executors' account to be
the sum of two hundred and eighty-eight dollars and sixty-
three cents.
(26) To the sale, grant and deed of a certain lot of land
situate in the Fifth Election District of Queen Anne's County,
Maryland, on the public road leading from Queenstown to Wye
Mills, and containing eighty-four one-hundredths of an acre
of land, more or less, to "Saint Peter's Church," near Queens-
town, Queen Anne's County, State of Maryland, a body cor-
porate, by Philemon H. Golt and Sarah C. Golt, his wife, by
their deed bearing date the 16th day of December, A. D. 1912,
and recorded in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court for
said Queen Anne's County in Liber WFW No. 2, folios 370,
etc., a land record book for said Queen Anne's County afore-
said ; and that fee-simple title vest absolutely in said body cor-
porate, its successors and assigns, to its own and their own use
and behoof.
(27) To the sale, grant and deed from Howard Hoffman
Ogle and Florence Ida Juilet Ogle, in their own right, etc., to
the Vestry of St. Luke's Protestant Episcopal Church of Bal-
timore City, a body corporate, dated July 2nd, 1913, and re-
corded among the Land Records of Baltimore City in Liber
SCL No. 2830, folio 481, etc., and to the acquisition by The