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Baltimore Wholesale Business Directory and Business Circular for the Year 1845
Volume 528, Page 50   View pdf image (33K)
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Dryden Charles H., hat manuf., Bradeibaugh al.,
h. 115 N. Edenst.
—— Ann, huckster, 8 Wagon alley.
—— Major Joshua, 67 N. Liberty st.
—— & Brother, dry goods mers., 67 W. Balto, st.
—— Robert W., of firm, h. 29 Courtland st.
—— Samuel, boot and shoe maker, c. Balto, and
Liberty sts.
__ John H., cabinet maker, 104 S. Howard st.
Dubois Edmund C., ship chandler & grocer, 55
Thames st., h. 82 E. Pratt st.
Ducatel Prof. Julius T., 300 Lexington st.
—— H. G., tobacco &, segar store, 58 W. Balto.
Dudley Mrs. J. L., 101 S. Green st.
Duer &, Norris, hardware mers., 2 Hanover st.
Duff George, tinner, 90 Hillen st.
—— Capt. Henry., 82 E. Pratt st.
—— Henry, cabinet maker, 247 N. Canal st.
Duffy Hugh, 139 Aisquith st.
—— Peter, carter, 63 Union st.
—— John, weaver, 27 Biddle st.
Dugan Mrs. Frances. 11 Frencb st.
—— Frederick J., 56 W. Lombard st.
—— Mrs. Louisa, 98 Camden st.
Dugas Louis J., 284 Franklin st.
Dugent Francis, shoemaker, 21 Comet st.
Duhamel James, bag maker, 163 N. Paca st.
Duhurst Greenbury, laborer, 180 Park st.
—— G. L., druggist, 27 W. Pratt st.
—— Mrs. Mary, 32 N. Gay st.
Duke James, grocer & feed mer., 181 E. Mad-
ison st., c. Gay st.
Dukes James T., watchman, 44 Orleans st.
Dukehart Adam, laborer 114 Albemarle st.
—— Joseph B., 165 Aisquith st.
—— Capt. Thomas, 73 Pitt st.
—— Wm., hose manuf., 4 Balderston st., h. 185
N. High st.
—— Henry, livery stable, 36 North st., h. 34
North st.
—— Edward W., clerk, 162 Hanover st.
—— Mrs. Martha, 36 Fayette st.
—— John, clerk, 36 Fayette st.
—— Robert W., hose maker, 54 Holliday st.
—— J. & Co., brush & bkt. store, 130 W. Balto.
Dulany Major Wm., U. S. A., 316 Lexington st.
—— Wm., carpenter, 42 Ross st.
—— Joshua H., 177 E. Baltimore st.
—— & Alexander, mer. tailors, 46 N. Howard.
Dulin Dr. A. F., N. W. c. Charles & Fayette sts.
—— George, mariner, 86 William st.
Dull James, ship smith, 94 E. Pratt st.
Dumbleton James A., 31 N. Gay st.
Dunan Gustavus, collector and property agt., 106
N. Green st.
Dunahue Thos., tavern keeper, 239 Broadway.
Dunbar Dr. J. R. W., 165 W. Lombard st.
—— Mrs. Frances, b. h., 12 St. Paul st.
Duncan Rev. John M., D D., Pastor of Reformed
Presbyterian church, h. 37 N. Calvert st.
—— J. McKim, att'y, 24 N. Charles st.
—— Joseph, boot maker, 48 Second st.
—— Levin H., ship builder, 268 Wolf st.
—— James, grocer, 68 Pine st.
—— H. W., grocer, 240 Fayette st.
—— Elizabeth, huckster, 66 Argyle alley.
—— Miss T. D., milliner, 85 Lexington st.
—— James, huckster, 14 Concord st.
—— Christian, paver, 2 Hollingsworth st.
Dundore Thomas, shoemaker, 179 East st.
—— Hy., shoemak., 209 Broadway, h. 161 Fleet.
Dungan Wm., constable, 105 N. Calvert st.

Dungan Francis D., firm of Watkins, Dugan &
Rust, h. 262' Fayette st.
—— Wm., shoe store, 163 Lexington st., h. 272
Fayette st.
—— Stevenson, cooper, 70 W. Pratt st., h. 90
E. Balto, st.
—— Wm., carter, 20 Fell st.
—— Joshua T., tailor, 16 N. Paca st.
Dunham Thornton C., firm of Bevan & Dunham,
h. 23 S. Eutaw st.
Dunigan John, hackman, 43 N. High st.
Dunkel John L., att'y, Law Buildings.
Dunlap John, tavern keeper, 499 W. Pratt st.
—— John, agt. at R. R. depot, 415 Lombard st.
—— Wm., type founder, 102 N. Canal st.
—— Rev. Robert W., 34 Aisquith st.
Dunlevy Thomas C., livery stables, Swan st., h.
13 Albemarle st.
Dunn Edward, carter, 167 Raborg st.
—— Mary, seamstress, 32 Liberty alley.
—— Alexander, rope maker, 14 Falls st.
—— Wm., firm of Duvall &, Dunn, 58 Holland.
—— Washington, 24 Welcome alley.
—— Mrs. Susanna, 22 Welcome alley.
—— John, laborer, 18 Wilk st.
—— Michael, wheelwright, 55 N. High st.
—— Patrick, wheelwright, 110 N. Front st., h.
112 N. Front st.
—— John, butcher, 382 W. Pratt st.
—— James, 122 S. Sharp st.
—— Mrs. Jane, shopkeeper, 360 Franklin st.
—— James, cabinet maker, 65 N. Frederick st.
—— Francis, huckster, 161 Conway st.
—— Michael, carpenter, 181 S. Paca st.
Dunnet David, huckster, 127 Conway st.
Dunnigan Patrick, grocer, 254 Fleet st.
Dunning Geo. prop, of Penna. Hotel, 149 Forrest,
—— George A., merchant tailor, 3 S. Front st.
Dunnington Wm. A. & Co., prop, of plaster mill,
office 104 Light st. whf.
—— . Wm. P., tobacco com. mer., 171 S. Charles.
—— Thomas R., clerk, 24 Aisquith st.
—— Elizabeth, dry goods store, 217 W. Pratt st.
Dunsford Julia, tavern, 160 Wilk st.
Dunsmore Mrs. Mary, 161 W. Madison st.
Du Free Mrs. Margaret, 10 N. Green st.
Durand John H., rope maker, 341 Aisquith st.
—— James, stone cutter, 66 Gough st.
—— Benj., boot and shoe maker, 75 French st.
Durborrow Hammond, clerk, 179 N. Eutaw st.
Durding Mrs. Ann, milliner, 106 E. Pratt st.
Durchausen Francis C., dry goods mer., 55 N.
Howard st.
Durham John, cooper, 98 Columbia st.
—— Wm., tailor, 14 Jasper st.
—— Albert, watchman, 256 Fleet st.
—— Lloyd, grocer, 80 S. Eutaw st.
—— James, mariner, 229 Gough st.
During John, ladies' shoemaker, 10 St. Mary st.
Durkee Dr. Robert A., 30 N. Front st.
Durlin Edward, oyster house, 151 S. Caroline st.
Durocher A. H., prof, of dancing, 3 Lexington.
Durst J. U., cotton wadding manuf., 17 N. Paca
St., h. 175 Hanover st.
—— Mrs. Frances, 82 Lee st.
Dusenbury Samuel, assist, commissary U. S. A.,
102 S. Sharp st.
Dushane John; carpenter, 188 W. Lombard st,
h. 84 S. Sharp st.
—— Val., carp., 19 S. Green st., h. 191 Franklin.
—— John, Jr., carpenter, 251 Franklin st.
—— Cornelius, bricklayer, 138 Conway st.


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Baltimore Wholesale Business Directory and Business Circular for the Year 1845
Volume 528, Page 50   View pdf image (33K)
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