Baker J. Win., watchman, 60 Hughes st.
—— Fountain, laborer, 43 Hill st.
—— Nicholas, piano maker, 47 Hill st.
—— Providence, 171 N. Front st.
—— Wm., edge tool manufacturer, 1 President
st. h. 127 E. Pratt st.
—— John, coach maker, .217 Potter st.
—— Frederick, baker, 9 East st.
—— Samuel S., carpenter, 204 N. Eden st.
—— Gideon, carter, 176 Wolf st.
—— Capt. George C. 36 Thames st.
—— Henry, shoemaker, 26 Lancaster st.
—— David, prop, of bark mill, c. Caroline and
McElderry sts. h. 39 E.Lombard st.
—— Mrs. Margaretj seamstress, 69 S. Spring st.
—— John H., collector, 39 German st.
—— Mrs. Eliza, 329 N. Gay st.
—— Mrs, Mary, 342 N. Gay st.
—— Henry, yeast maker, 105 Stirling st.
—— James, carter, 132 Orleans st.
—— Henry, glazier, 165 S. Canal st.
—— Charles V., grocer, 298 E. Monument st.
—— Henry, baker, 181 E. Monument st.
—— Wm. George, att'y, 2 Spurrier's Court, h.
41 N. Calvert st.
—— H. J. & C. J., druggists, 2 N. Liberty st.
—— Peter, tailor, 10 Park st.
—— Joseph, butcher, 190 Saratoga st.
—— Joseph, 190 Saratoga st.
—— Robert, cabinet maker, 57 Raborg st.
—— James, shoemaker, 43 Rock st.
—— Rev. Francis, 50 Courtland st.
—— John, watchman, 91 Conway st.
Balbirnie Geo., silk dyer &. scourer, 4 S. Front st.
Bald John M., locksmith, 89 Pennsylvania av.
Balderson Wm. H., druggist, S. E. corner How-
ard & Franklin sts. h. 180 Franklin st.
Baiderston John P., hardware mer.,20 N. How-
ard st. h. 178 Franklin st.
—— Hugh &, Son, wire weavers, 12 S. Calvert st.
—— Hugh, of firm, h. 180 W. Lombard st.
—— Wilson, wire weaver, over 77 Light st. whf.
h. 99 S. Sharp st.
—— Eli, 166 S. Paca st.
Baldman Henry, 20 Elizabeth lane.
Baldwin Robert, carter, 5 Perry st.
—— Mrs. Mary, 40 S. Bond st.
—— John F., tobacconist, 76 N. Gay st.
—— Andrew, bricklayer, 87 Raborg st.
—— Dr., 126 N. Exeter st., near Low.
Bale Wm., carpenter, 62 Jefferson st.
Ball & Key, house & sign painters, 267 W. Pratt.
—— Walter, house & sign painter,84 N. Green st.
—— Rev. R. H., principal of female classical
seminary, 119 N. Charles st.
—— John, laborer, 45 Armistead lane.
—— John, shoemaker, 60 N. Front st.
—— Walter, clerk steamboat, 94 S. Eden st.
—— Wm., mariner, 125 Thames st.
—— James, shoemaker, 47 E. Baltimore st. h.
23 Pitt st.
—— Wm. Jr., bricklayer, 77 French st.
—— David, morocco dresser, 17 Harrison st. h.
68 Pitt st.
—— Wm. D., late sheriff, 122 Mulberry st.
—— Wm. Jr., 117 Conway st.
Balla G. R., grocer, 64 Ross st.
Ballard Edward J., sail maker, 5 New Church st.
—— Wm., laborer, 173 S, Bond st.
Ballauf Aug., morocco dresser, 75 Harrison st.
Ballenger Samuel, carpenter, 67 Raborg st.
Balmear Mrs. Catharine, 228 N. Howard st.
Balsh Frederick, 94 S. Spring st.
Balster John C., tavern keeper, 27 Fell st.
Baltimore Life Insurance Co., 15 South st.
—— Fire Insurance Co., 24 South st.
—— Commercial Journal &, Lyford's Price Cur-
rent, Wm. G. Lyford, editor & proprietor,
1 S. Gay st., up stairs.
—— Daily & Weekly Sun, A. S. Abell & Co.
publishers, 59 W. Baltimore st. c. Gay.
—— Patriot &, Gazette, Isaac Munroe, publisher,
122 W. Baltimore st.
—— Museum & Gallery of Fine Arts, E. Peale,
prop. N. W. c. Baltimore &, Calvert sts.
—— Chemical Works, 125 Columbia st.
—— Water Co., office, 34 Second st.
—— Saturday Visiter, Dr. J. E. Snodgrass, pub-
lisher, 10 North st.
—— & Susquehanna R. R. office, 63 North st.
—— Steam Packet Co., Col. Thos. Sheppard,
agent, lower end Spear's wharf.
—— Republican &, Argus, Pratt, Cloud &. Bros.,
publishers, 45 S. Gay st.
—— Type Foundry, F. Lucas, Jr. 4 Bank 1.
—— Equitable Insurance Co., 19 South st.
—— &, Ohio R. R. office, 20 Light st.
—— Laundry, Moses Hyde, prop'r, c. of Sara-
toga st. &. Breidebaugh al.
Baltzell Dr. Wm. H., 177 Hanover st.
—— Jacob &. Chas., wholesale dry goods mers.,
296 W. Baltimore st.
—— Jacob, of firm, 92 N. Charles st.
—— Charles, of firm, 44 Hanover st.
—— Thos. &. Philip, wholesale dry goods mers.,
350 W. Baltimore st.
—— Mrs. Thomas, 340 Lexington st.
—— Alexander, 20 Barnet st.
Bamberger John, 58 S. Bond st.
—— James A., blacksmith, 207 Fleet st.
—— Martin, carter, 456 W. Baltimore st.
—— Jno. W., wheelwright, 5 Richmond st.
Bancroft John, bricklayer, 14 N. High st.
Bandell Geo. W., dyer & scourer, 25 Harrison st.
—— J. M. & P., block & pump makers, 97
McELderry's whf., h. 116 S. Exeter st.
—— Michael, shipsmith &, wheelwright, 67
O'DonnelPs whf., h. 3 Bank st.
—— Fred., shoemaker, 156 E. Madison st.
Bangart Joseph, baker, 6 Fell st.
Banger Jno. H., boot &, shoe mak. 58 S. Spring st.
Bangert Philip, baker, 248 Franklin st.
Bangs &. King, dry goods com. mers. 5 Hanover.
—— John, boot & shoe maker, 236 W. Pratt st.
—— Francis, comb maker, 130 S. Green st.
—— Theophilus, constable, 117 Gough st. 5.
Bank of Baltimore, C. C. Jamieson, cashier, 186
W. Baltimore st., c. St. Paul st.
—— Union, R. Mickle, cashier, c. Charles and
Fayette sts.
—— Marine, P. Littig, Jr., cashier, c. Gay and
Second sts.
—— Mechanics', J. W. Ainutt, cashier, c. Cal-
vert and Fayette sts.
—— Farmers and Merchants', J. Loney, cashier,
c. Calvert st. & Bank lane.
—— Commercial and Farmers', Trueman Cross,
cashier, c. Howard and Lombard sts.
—— Farmers and Planters', T. B. Rutter, cashier,
17 South st.
—— Franklin, A. P. Giles, cashier, North st.,
bet. Baltimore & Fayette sts.
—— Western, Thomas Spicer, Jr., cashier, N.
Eutaw st. bet. Baltimore and Fayette sts.