Richer Andrew, laborer, 43 Thames st
Richers Nicholas, grocer and teed dealer, 221 '3 s Charles St
Richmond Henry, huckster, 146 n Eutaw st
Richmond John W. watchman, 142 Lee st
Richstein J. & G. sugar refiners, corner Lombard, Concord and
Hawk sts
Richs Christian, mariner, 166 Bond st
Richstein George, dw 221 w Lombard st
Richter Mrs. Elizabeth, 326 Lexington st
Richter David, baker, 163 Light st
Ricker Mrs. Tracy, 64 L. Hughest st
Rickerson & Gooden, ship joiners, Muller's wharf, Philpot st
Ricketts George, merchant tailor, 212 w Pratt st
Ricketts Daniel, machinist, 3 Armistead lane
Ricketts Mr. piano maker, 39 Harrison st
Ricketts Mrs. Margaret, 34 Maiden lane
Ricketts John, printer, 180 Aisquith st
Ricketts David, flour inspector, 85 s Greene st
Rickey, Speddin & Co. sail makers, 79 Light st wharf
Rickey William, 59 Pratt st
Rickey William, carter, 43 Mullikin st
Rickweg W. painter, 45 s Howard st
Rickweg W. house and sign paint. 285 s Chas. st. dw 57 Sharp
Riddle James, shoemaker, 9 w Falls avenue
Rider Dr. W. G. 100 Mulberry si
Rider Mrs. Elizabeth, 224 Saratoga st
Rider Mrs. Martha, 210 n Exeter st
Rider Miss J. milliner, 210 n Exeter st
Rider W. brickmaker, 118 Lee st
Rider Solomon, second hand furniture dealer, 74 Lancaster st
Rider Alexander, saddler, 14 New st
Ridgeway Samuel C, hal manufacturer, 37 n Eutaw st
Ridgaway Mrs. Susan, 8 Warner st
Ridgaway James, shoemaker, 267 Canal st
Ridgaway William, merchant tailor, 75 s Caroline st
Ridgely E i ward, 114 Hanover st
Ridgely Alfred C. apothecary, cor. Pratt and Howard sts
Ridgely Chas. W. lawyer, 5 Courthouse lane, dw 223 Fayette st
Ridgely Noah, justice of peace, 14 s Howard st
Ridgely Charles G. att'y at at law and justice of peace, 6 Ensor
st, dw 167 Aisquith st
Ridgely Mary, baker, 10 s Liberty st
Ridgely Nicholas, grocer, 189 Fremont st
Ridgely Archibald G. firm Zell, Ridgely & Cook, dw 74 Centre
Ridgely William H. dry goods dealer, 41 Baltimore st
Ridgely David, dry goods dealer, 61 w Baltimore st
Ridgely Com. Charles, 64 Franklin st
Ridgely A. S. atlorney at law, 24 St. Paul st
Ridgely John, 58 n Charles st
Ridgely ——— 223 Wolfe st
Ridgely Mrs. Louisa, 188 n Charles st
Ridgely Isaiah, dry goods dealer, 211 Light st
Ridgely Mrs. Harriet, 187 Mulberry st
Riely Mrs. Elizabeth, 31 Union st
Riely Peter, blacksmith, 127 Fremont st
Rieiy Dennis, grocer. 230 n Howard st