Getz James, earpenter, 17 Sharp st,dw 149 Saratoga
Geyer David, coach maker, 280 w Pratt st
Gheo Andrew, confectioner, 284 w Baltimore st
Gibbins John, cooper, 180 Raborg st
Gibbins George, mariner. 17& Light st
Gibbon Peter, fancy goods dealer, 7 Baltimore St
Gibbons Francis A. bricklayer, 36 York avenue
Gibbons Dr. George, 106 Park st
Gibbs Alexander, baker, 17 n Gay st
Gibbs Edward, dw 54 Granfey st
Gribney R. dentist, cupper and leecher, 46 n Gay et
Gibson C. C. 180 Franklin st
Gibson Mrs. Mary, 101 Mulberry st
Gibson H. W. painter, 66 Ross st
Gibson Robert, plumber, 71 Raborg st
Gibson John, ice dealer, 187 Madison st
Gibson J. A. nnner, 119 Canal st
Gibson William, teacher, 178 n Chestnut st
Gibson Joseph, stevadore, 341 n Gay st
Gibson Dr. Chartes Bell, 159 w Lombard St
Gibson Mr. tavern deeper, 6 Baiderston st
Gibson Captain James, 45 Fell st
Gibson William, clerk, dw 45 st Gay st
Gibson Patrick, 29 Cathedral street
Gibson Miss E. dress maker, 97 n Calvert si
Gibson & Co. importers of cloths, cassimeres, and vestings, 7 n
Charles st. up stairs
Gibson Edmund, 99 e Pratt st
Gibson Capt. John, 128 s Exeter st
Gibson Robert, manner, 201 Ann st
Gibson T. B. tavern keeper, 135 Eastern avenue
Gibson Ca pt. James, 99 Lancaster st
Gibson James, laborer, 71 Richmond st
Giddens Frances, mariner, 276 Dallas st
Giddings James, 28 n Gay st
Giegler John, butcher, 59 Union st
Giese & Son, coal dealers and com. mts. 48 Commerce st. dw 100
Hanover st
Giesendaffer John, SS9 Lexington st
Giesendaffer William, cooper, 184 Fremont st
Giesendaffer George, cabinet maker, 58 s Eutaw st
Gifford Mrs. Mary, 188 e Fayette st
Gifford Alexander, carpenter 129 Orleans st
Gifford Thomas, High Constable, 181 Orleans st
Giger Dr, T. S. 79 n Eutaw st
Gihner Henry, grocer & liquor dealer, 108 s Eutaw st
Gilbert Mrs. Amelia, 185 n Eutaw st
Gilcoat Julia A. nurse, Liberty st. s of German
Gilday Francis, bricklayer, 127 n Paca st
Gildea John, bellows and fan maker, 51 s Calvert st. dw 145
Monumental st
Gildea Patrick, blacksmith. 220 Hollins st
Gildersleeve George, com. merch.77 Smith's wharf
Giles William, cooper, 67 n Shroeder st
Giles Mrs. Ann, 48 s High st
Giles Walter, book binder, 88 Calvert st