Pages 17, 19, 22. 24, 26, 29, 31, 33, 35
Adams, Dr. Maurice L................................................. 65
Adams Realty Brokers ................................................ 12
A fro. American .......................Outside Front Cover
Alhambra Grill .................................................. 49
American Bottling Co............................................... 55
Apostolic Faith Church............................................... 56
Arbutus Memorial Par k..............Inside Back Cover
Arch Social No. 1.............................. ,........................... 39
Arrow Beer ........................................Inside Back Cover
Association For The Handicapped...................... 11
Bakers Employment Agency....................................... 69
Baltimore Urban League ......................................... 56
Bando, Dr. McDonnell M.....Inside Front Cover
Drinks, Ellen ................................ 68
Banfield, Gilbert E......................................... 58
Barnhart, George A , "Plumber"...................... 61
Beaman & Christmas "Dentists"...................... 64
Berry, Dr. Wm. Le Ray.............................................. 57
Bethlehem Temple Church........................... 57
Biddison Novelty Co.......................... SS
Blake, Dr. L R.............................. 64
Bnnd, Roy S................................................................... 67
Broening, William F. "City Collector"......... 6
Brown, Isiah & Son "Funeral Directors"...... 46
Brown, Dr. Rayner...................................................... 65
Campbell, Dr. C. R.......................................... 63
Camper, Dr. J. E. T........................... 41
Caplan's Drug Store ..............Inside Front Cover
Carr, Dr. James...................................................... 59
Carlton 's, A t: to Repair Shop.................................... 7!
Centennial Methodist Church........................... 12
Chase, Samuel or1 Son "Funeral Directors" 44
City Drug Store No. 2...... ,............................ 70
Clark's Hotel ................................................................... 73
Club Casino .................................................................. 50
Colored Mention Picture Operator's Union
Inside Back Cover
Communist Political Association......................... 1?
Conaway, Bailrv "Caterer"................................... 71
Cole, Emory R. "Attorney "................. 67
Cooperative Women's Civic League............... 27
Coasey. Dr. John R..................................... 63
Crawley. Rev. G. A............................................. 47
Crown. Loan Office .........................Inside Back Cover
Davidson, Mrs. Naomi C. "Florist".............. 69
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority.................................. 14
Deluxe Studio "Clairbornes" ..................... 28
Dickerson, Or. Enoch "Dentist".........,,......... 44
District Supt. North Baltimore
District Methodist Ch ure h......................... 54
Dixon, Wm. B. "Insurance"
Outside Front Cover
Dison, Walter T. "Business School"............... 9
Doles, Dr Maurice D.............. 66
Douglass, Calvin A. "Atty." Inside Back Cover
Dorsey, J. Marcellus & Son.Inside Front Cover
Druid Laundry ........................Inside Front Cover
Dunbar Theatre...................Outside Front Cover
East Balto. Citizens Association, Inc............... 56
East Hoffman Street Methodist Church....... 54
Ellison , Daniel 'Former Congressman"..... 37
Enon Baptist Church...................... .................. 34
Evans. George. W. "Attorney"....................... 67
Evelyn, Dr. Reginald G. "Dentist"........ 66
Faith Baptist Church......................................... 46
First Baptist Church . 45
Fishers Beauty Salon. ...................... 69
Fisher Dr J. Edw. 57
Franklin Beauty Salon.............................. 28
Free State Music Stores................... 30
Forte, Dr A, U. "Chiropractor"............ 25
Fowlers Radio Repair Service.................. 68
Frisby, J, Arnette................Inside Front Cover
Gaines, Dr. John W.......................... 41
Gamby's Tavern .......................................... 37
Garland Press. The......................... 68
Garrett, Mrs, Lulu Jones.............................. 65
Gilkes, Dr. Evan A........................... 65
Gillis Memorial Church........................ 54
Goldsborough, Jobn R. "Barber"........................ 70
Gordon's Pharmacy ....................................... 70
Grace Memorial Baptist Church, The.......... 52
Grace Presbyterian Church.......................................... 34
Greene's Pharmacy................................................ ,... 70
Hairston, Dr. Chalmers................................ ........... 66
Hampton, John H. "Attorney"...................... 67
Hammond's Florist ............................................... 71
Harris, Dr. Bernard................................ 64
Hawkins, Gregory ..................Outside Front Cover
Hayes, James A. "Funeral Director" "............... 48
Henry, Josiah F., Jr. ''Attorney"
Inside Front Cover and Page 7
Higgins, Dr. I. Bradshaw................................ 6.1
Hill, Dr. Robert J. "Chiropodist"................. 25
Holand, Mrs. George H. "Mortician"...... U
Home Friendly Insurance Co................................ 30
Howard University .....................Outside Back Cover
Hughes, W. A. C., Jr. "Attorney"................. 67
International Hod Carriers
Building Laborers ........................................... 20
Jackson, F, S. Mgr.
Supreme Liberty Life Ins. Co................... 42
Jackson, Hon, Howard W................................ 4
Jackson, Dr. Rober; L......................................... 6,1
Jackson, Wm. A. "Funeral Director"............ 40
John Wesley Methodist Church..................... 30
Johnson, Dr. Arthur L.................................................. 58
Jones, Dr, J. Leslie "Chiropractor ""................ 64
Tones, Dr E. Wayland..................................... 58
Jones. Dr. W. Atwell................... 63
Kermisch's ............................................... ,..................... 15
Kelson, Thos. E. "Funeral Director".......... 20
King, Shirley "Moving . Storage....................... 69
Knights of Pythias................................ J9
Knox Presbyterian Church.................................. 52
Koger, Earl "Insurance Broker"................... 70
Koger, Li n wood G. ''Attorney"'........^................. 66
La Blanche Beauty S a Ion.... ,...................... 60
LaJayne Beauty Salon..........................................~............. 27
Law. Charles R. "Funeral Director".......... 68
Leadenhall Baptist Church,............................... 53
Lee's Delicious Popcorn......................................... 60
Lee's Photo Studio....................Outside Back Cover
Levin. Senator Harry O.................................... 42
Lighston. Dr. Renold B ............... 59
Lively, Joseph A. "Funeral Director"......... 40
Locks, Joseph G., Jr............. ..................... 69
Lorretta's Floral and Gift Shop.............................. 7!
Loving, Dr. Lucy D................................................. 6d
Ma. Ann Beauty Salon.............................................. 55
Madison St. Presbyterian Church................. 43
Marshall. Henry "Real Estate"
Inside Front Cover
Mason, Dr. W. B....................................................... 6*
McGoings, Robert J........................................ 61
McGuinn . Robert P, '"Attorney".................., 66
McKeldin, Hon. Theodore R.............. 3
McMechen. George W. F. "Attorney"...... 67
Memorial Baptist Church............................... ,...., 10
Merritts. A. E. "Browse Around Shop"...... 34
Metropolitan Methodist Church ............................. 3 2
Milk.......................................................Inside Back Cover
Modern Studios "Clairbornes" '...................... 55
Morgan State College...........Outside Back Cover
Morning Star Baptist Church............................. 43
Morsell, J. David................................. 68
Mt. Lebanon Baptist Church.................... 52
Mt. Olivet Baptist Church....................... 51
Mt. Sinai Baptist Church....,,..... .... ...... .. 46
Mutual Benefit Society.................................. 21
N. A. A. C. P,................................... 32
Neuhaus,, Charles & Company.................. 70
New Albert Theatre................ 5"
New Metropolitan Baptist Church............. 4'.