Ladies' Guild of Provident Hospital
Mrs. W. Emerson Brown
629 Cumberland St.
Lincoln Alumni Association
Wm. I Gosnell 14 E. Pleasant St.
Local No. 194, I. H. C. B. & C. L. U. of A.
E. H. Lewis, Fin. Sec. (White)
H. T. Devine, Rec. Sec. (Col.)
317 N. Paca St.
Local Ass'n, of Graduate Nursea
Mrs. Ruth Thompson
1826 Druid Hill Ave.
Maryland Association for Promotion
of Business, Inc.
1841 Pennsylvania Ave.
Reginald Gardiner, Pres.
929 N. Stricker St.
Maryland Baptist Ass'n.
Mis. Martha Baker
1438 R Monument St.
Maryland Interracial Commission
Rev, Asbury Smith
3021 Frederick Ave.
Maryland Federation of Colored
Carrington Davis, Pres,
1821 McCulloh St.
Maryland State Scholarships for Negroes,
Ed. N. Wilson. Exec. Sec. Morgan
State College
Hillen Road and Arlington Ave.
Maryland Training School for Colored Girls
Mrs. Sadie D. George
Dorsey Road, near Glenburnie
Masonic Lodges
Mosher and McCulloh Sts
Willard W. Allen, Grand Master
Master Beauticians Association
Mrs. Virgie Waters
527 Cumberland St,
Medical Association
Dr. Bernard Harris
1207 N. Caroline St.
Mission Helpers' Day Nursery
Sister Aquinas 905 McCulloh St.
Mission Helpers' Guild
Sister Gertrude 416 W. Biddle St.
M. E. Ministers' Wives Association
Mrs. B. I. Lofton
1214 W Lanvale St.
Monumental Bar Association
Dallas F Nicholas 14 E Pleasant St.
Morgan State College Alumni Association
James K. Webb Laurel, Del.
Morning Glory Benevolent Assn,
Mrs Ethel Dorman
1609 K. Madison St
Most Worshipful Hiram Grand Lodge
A. F. & A. M. Scottish Rite
1622 Madison Ave.
V. P Chisolm, Grand Master
1511 Madison Ave.
Mt. Olive Beneficial Ass'n., Inc.
Meets at 1221 Myrtle Ave.
Mrs. Ellinor Hutchins, Gland President
A. U. O. S. D. of Moses
O. P. Briscoe
1415 N. Fremont Ave.
N. A. A. C. P.
L. Randall Tyus, Ex. Sec.
402 Dolphin St.
Northwest Maternal Health Center
Dr. N. Louise Young
1523 McCulloh St.
National Federation Post Office Clerks
Local No. 2145
James Diggs
2312 Druid Hill Ave.
Negro Advancement League
Benj Davis 1021 Durham St.
N. Y A Project 306
Mrs. Julia Jackson, Supervisor
17 Commerce St.
Postal Employees. National Assn
Post Office Glee Club
G. Bernard Young
2031 Druid Hill Ave.
Provident Hospital Free Dispensary
Supt Mrs, Betty Jenkins Phillips
1614 Division St.
Progressive Engineers Association of
Henry Hall. Pres.
1204 Riggs Ave.
Ernest Gambrill, Sec.
531 Presstman St.
Recreational Center
J, Leonard Wheatley
1129 N Calvert Street
Republican City Committee
Dr. George Allen, 5th Ward Executive
121 Aisquith St,
Mrs. Elvira Bond
4th District Committeewoman at Large
1517 Druid Hill Ave.
Donald Boyce
10th Ward Committeeman
1419 E. Madison St
4th District Ex-ecutive
222 N. Carey St,
John R. Goldsborough
4th District Committeeman at Large
624 Bloom St.
Mr. Goldsborough was the first col-
ored District man and has served 16
David Johnson
18th Ward Executive
1027 Bennett Pl.
George Douglass
14th Wald Executive
801 Fremont Ave.
Wm. Reid
2nd District Committeeman-at-Large
1733 E. Preston St.
Charles Woodland
17th Ward Executive
1205 Myrtle Ave.
Schoolmaster's Club
W. Cato Anderson
2435 McCulloh St
Seventeenth Ward Neighborhood Club
Mrs. Gladys Shepperd
1063 Myrtle Ave,
Seven Wise Men
Irvin Scribner 717 N Carollton Ave.
The Shelter for Aged and Infirm Colored
Mrs. Maxine Magee (White) in
517 W Biddle St.
Sharp Street Community House
Mrs. Agnes Green, Matron,
1210 Etting St.
Social Workers' Round Table of Baltimore
Charles King 2410 Woodbrook Ave.
St. Catherine's Convent, cor. Harlem and
Arlington Avea.
Sister Mary Maurice O.S.P.
Rev. Fr. H F. Kane Director.
The Townsman's Club, Inc.
A. J. Allen, Chairman
613 Baker St.
Mr. Leon Williams
1235 N. Caroline St.
The Gay Sisters Club
Miss Hermione King
1119 W. Lanvale St.
The Time Girls
Miss Mary Kemp
1009 N, Central Ave.
Total War Employment Committee
Calvin Douglass
901 N. Fremont Ave.
Underwriters Association i,f Maryland
John Wynder
1301 Pennsylvania Ave.
United Usher Board Association
Henry Sorrell
916 Edmondson Ave.
United Domestic Workers, L. I. Union
No 1283, A. J Allen, chairman. 613
Baker St
Women's Auxiliary of Medical Ass'n.
John R Cosey.
753 George St.
W C. T. U.
Mra. Violet Hill Whyte
626 N. Carrollton Ave,
Young Men's Christian Association
1619 Druid Hill Ave.
A N Giant, Secretary
Y. W. C. A.
1200 Druid Hill Ave.
Mrs. Alice Arrington.
Young People's City-Wide Forum
Prof. Howard L. Cornest
Morgan State College