Good Hope Lodge
Wm. G. Price
617 N. Schroeder St.
The Good Shepherd General Hospital
Dr. W. R. Boykin, Supt.
1510 N. Gilmor St.
Grand United Order of St. Luke
James W. Frey
424 E. Federal St.
G. U. O. Jobs
Geo. S. Carroll
1129 N. Stockton St.
G. U. O. Nazarites
Jerome Rollins, O. W S.
2413 Woodbrook Ave.
G. U. O, Odd Fellows
Jesse Nichols
McCulloh and Lanvale Sts.
Harlem Charity Club
Charles Harrison, Pres.
1101 Harlem Ave.
Home for Asred Men and Women
Rev. J. H. Waters. Supt.
822 N. Carrollton Ave.
Housewives' League
Mrs. Elmira Molson Bond
1517 Druid Hill Ave.
Howard Alumni Association
Mrs. Marvis Noel
1726 N. Carey St.
Inspector for Md. State Board of Motion
Picture Censors
Office: 211 N. Calvert St.
Sadie M. Dorsey
747 Dolphin St.
Ins. Underwriters' Assn. of Baltimore
Clifford R. Alexander
1901 Madison Ave.
Interdenominational Ministers Alliance of
Rev. D. E, Rice
826 N. Carrollton Ave.
International Labor Defense
Bernard Ados
1521 W. Baltimore St.
International Longshoremen's Association,
Local 868
John M. Morris, Pres.
Office 1719 S. Clinton St., Canton.
Wolfe. 7757, res. 1221 W. Lafayette
Ave. Alfred Smith, Fin. See. and
Business Aijent, Office 1104 Hull St..
Locust Point, South 0884, res. 413
N. Carey St.
Interracial Commission
Rev. J. O. Spencer
Morgan College
Eva Jenifer Neighborhood Club
Mrs. Marie Marshall
2015 Druid Hill ave.
Knights of Peter Claver
Phillip Kane
1919 E. Biddle St.
Knights of Pythias
McCulloh and Preston Sts.
George A. Watty
Knights of Pythias, E. W. H.
W. Ashbie Hawkins
14 E. Pleasant St.
Knights of St. John
Charles H. Dorsey
1310 N. Fremont Ave.
Women's Auxiliary, Knights of St. John
Mrs. Bessie Doodin
2143 Pennsylvania Ave.
Ladies' Guild of Provident Hospital
Mrs. Thos. I. Brown
2408 Overland Ave.. Morgan Park.
Lincoln Alumni Association
W. A. C. Hushes. Jr.,
1816 Madison Ave.
Maryland Federation of Colored Clubs
Carrington Davis, Pres.
1821 McCulloh St.
Jessie Nicholas, Ex. Sec.
1012 Arlington Ave.
Maryland Medical, Dental and Pharma-
ceutical Association
Dr. Howard E. Young
1100 Druid Hill Ave.
Maryland Negro Democratic League, Inc.
1185 Druid Hill Ave.
Maryland Training School for Colored Girls
Mrs. Sadie D. George
Dorsey Road, near Glenburnle
Masonic Lodges
Mosher and McCulloh Sts.
Willard W. Alien
Medical Association
Dr. J. T. Gunn
522 N. Arlington Ave.
M. E. Ministers Meeting
Rev. Edgar D. Hall, Dist. Supt.
Lutherville, Md.
Rev. J. D. Brown. Supt. of S. Baltimore
District 722 N. Carrollton Ave.
Rev. A. J. Mitchell, Supt., N. Baltimore
District 1836 McCulloh St.
M. E. Ministers' Wives Association
Mrs. Daniel W. Hays
1813 McCulloh St.
Ministerial Alliance
Rev. O. E. Rice
826 N. Carrollton Ave.
Mission Helpers' Day Nursery
Sister Concilio
905 McCulloh St.
The Mission Helpers' Guild
Miss M. Irene Blay
852 Park Ave.
Monumental Bar Association
Warner J. McGuinn
Phoenix Bldg.
Morgan College Alumni Association
Thomas S. Jones
2531 McCulloh St.
Moses Lodges
L. H. Davenport
1006 Pennsylvania Ave.
Mutual Baptist Missionary Convention
Rev, Wm. K. Johnson
324 N. Stricker St.
N. A. A. C. P.
Rev. Charles Y. Trigg, Prest.
1119 W. Lanvale St.
Nicholson Card Club
Dr. Joseph Mason
305 W. Fresstman St.
Pharmaceutical Association
Dr. Howard E. Young
1100 Druid Hill Ave.
Postal Employees
Thomas J. Smith
1729 McCulloh St.
Professional Chauffeurs' Aid Assn. of Md.
Sylvanus D. Newton
2125 Druid Hill Ave.
Prominent Club Woman and Civic Worker
Mrs. Howard B. Young: — Member of the
Board of Directors, Maryland Training
School for Colored Girls
1100 Druid Hill Ave.
Provident Hospital Free Dispensary
Supt., Mrs. Betty Jenkins Phillips
1514 Division St.
The Republican City Committee
Walter E. Emerson
407 Robert St.
Dr. George Allen
607 Aisquith St.
navid Johnson
1027 Bennett Place
Charles Woodland
1206 Myrtle Ave.
Mrs, Elvira Bond
1617 Druid Hill Ave.
John R. Goldsborough
624 Bloom St.
4th Dist. Republican Association
Charles C. Hall
Republican Publicity Chairman
509 Clagett St.
17th Ward Republican District Club
Chas. F. Woodland
1200 Myrtle Ave.
Schoolmaster's Club
W. Cato Anderson
2435 McCullob St,
Seven Wise Men
Irvin Scribner
717 N. Carrollton Ave.
The Shelter for Aged and Infirm Colored
Mrs. Emma Webber (White) In charge
517 W. Kiddle St.
Sharp Street Community House
Miss Agnes Tryor
1210 Etting St.
Social Workers' Round Table of Baltimore
Chas. J. King
2410 Woodbrook Ave.
St. Mary's Home for Little Colored Boys
Presstman and Vincent Sts.
near Gilmor Sister Susan
St. Catherine's Convent, cor. Harlem &
Arlington Ave.
Sister Cecelia Mary Victoria
Rev. Joseph Handley. Director
United Usher Board Association
Henry Sorrell
910 W. Mulberry St.
W. C. T. U.
Mrs. Violet Hill Whyte
663 George St.