Afro-American .........Outside Front Cover
Alexander, Charles H................... 40
Alien, Gerald E......................... 38
Alien, Edna............................ 39
Anna M. E. Church ................... 35
American Bottling Co................... 23
Arch Social Club. No. 1 ............... 38
Associated Colored Orchestras........... 34
Baltimore Urban League................ 46
Beaman, Dr. Wm. H... Outside Back Cover
Bell, Dr. Jan. E............Outside Front Cover
Bellsview-Manchester Apts.............. 50
Bethel A. M. E. Church................ 35
Brown. Dr. Daniel C.................... 37
Butler Dr. Lucius A.................... 37
Butler. R. H........................... 4
Caulk, Oliver J......................... 28
Chase. Arthur B........................ 4
Christmas, Dr. B. N....Outside Back Cover
Clarke, Floyd........................... 37
Clark's. ............................... 41
Clough. Alfred E. A Co................ 4
Coleman, J. H...........Outside Front Cover
Cooper, Charles G...................... 40
Dance Fart Press....................... 39
De Casseres. Dr. C. V... Inside Front Cover
Dolphin Filling Station,. Inside Front Cover
Doles. Dr. M. D.........Outside Front Cover
Dorsey, Charles M D..... ... Inside Front Cover
Dorsey, C. M. & Sons.....Inside Front Cover
Druid Laundry ......... Inside Front Cover
Dunhnr Theatre......................... 21
Earl Pharmacy ........................ 47
Elliott. Mrs. Robert A.................. 29
Emerson, Walter S..................... 30
Emergency Helping Hand Circle........ 38
Fallin. Roland D. L.........Inside Back Cover
Fennel's Pharmacy..................... 49
Fernandis Accessary Shop............... 46
Fitzgerald, Wm. L...................... 34
Flying Dragon Motor Coaches and
Taxi Service.......................... 15
Freidman's Pharmacy................... 23
Fowler's Phurmftey..................... 40
Gaines Dr. John W.................... 25
Garth. Viviene L................ . . . 38
Glascoe, Percy .................. . ... 28
Gorham. Juanita L............. . 38
Greenberg. Dave................ 1
Green Lantern Tea Room .............. 47
Green's Pharmacy...................... 40
Hampton, John H....................... 36
Harris. Paul J......................... 32
Henry, Josiah F.. Jr.................... 36
Hoban. Ernest ........................ 38
Holland. Mrs, Geo. H................... 11
Hoskin's Studio...........Inside Front Cover
Hotel Reed............................. 11
Hughes. Photography...Outside Front Cover
Home Friendly Insurance Co............ 48
Howard University.......Outside Back Cover
Hughes Catering Co..................... 51
Hughes. W. W......................... 30
Ideal Barber Shop.........Inside Back Cover
Ideal Building & Loan Ass'n, Inc....... 27
Imbach. Wm. A........................ 31
Jacknon. Dr. Robt. L... Outside Bark Cover
Jenkins, C. Henry........inside Front Cover
Johnson. Helen Anh.................... 39
Johnson. Wm. E........................ 29
Jones, Dr. O. D........................ 37
Kaufman. Wm. & Co................... 26
Kelson. Thomas E...................... 29
Koger & Koger......................... 36
Langley. Wm. H........................ 13
Locks. Mrs. Joseph G................... 40
Madison Construction Co................ 50
Masan's Pharmacy ..................... 32
Major, James A........................ 41
McGuinn, Warner T.................... 36
May-Beth Tea Room..................... 41
Morgan College..........Outside Back Cover
Mutual Benefit Society.................. 33
Myers. Mrs. Ross...................... 39
Neuhaus. Charles....................... 37
Nicholas, Dallas F...................... 36
North Carolina Mutual Life Inn. Co.... 9
Optic Bindery........................... 88
Oriental Run Co........................ 36
Park Circle Motor Co................... 8
Parker. C. T........................... 27
Peaker, Jesse........................... 41
Paramount Amusement Booking Co.
Inside Back Cover
People's Christian Church. ....
Peck. Thaddius S....................... 37
Photography, The Hughes Co.
Outside Front Cover
Pinderhughes, W. W.................... 19
Pharmacies, Northwestern
Outside Front Cover
Plymouth Hall Apartments.............. 49
Providence Baptist Church.............. 31
Recent Theatre, .........Inside Front Cover
Reynolds, Luke G....................... 46
Reese, Philander ....................... 21
Regular Fellows Club, Inc.............. 47
Richardson, Mme. J . A................. 39
Ringgold, Edward...................... 39
Sallie Hat and Dress Shop............... 39
Samuel Coleridge Taylor School of Music
Inside Front Cover
Sander's Barber Shop.... Inside Front Cover
Sharp St. Community House............. 25
Siddonn & Lester ...................... 51
Simmons. Frank A...................... 3
Sissle, Noble........................... 30
Smith. Thomas J....................... 36
Smith. Dr. W. L........................ 40
Smith's Hotel........................... 28
Southern Baptist Church................ 61
Stanley. Alvan S........................ 41
St. Paul's M. E. Church................ 33
Tyler. U. Grant........................ 36
Thompkins. Dr. Herman G.
Outside Front Cover
Union Baptist Church ................. 81
Vanity Shop ........................... 39
Wachsellan Medicine Co................. 40
Watkins & Wells....................... 38
Watts, Dr. Wm. H.... Outside Front Cove
Watts, Dr. Charles E................... 2
White, Dr. Jas. A.......Outside Front Cove
Williams, Dr. Maceo H................. 3
Williams, Dr. Nelson M................ 37
William's Photo Studio................. 51
Wilson, Daisy M........................ 41
Wrifcht & Burke....................... 8
Y. M. C. A............................. 34
Y. W. C. A........................... 38
York Hotel............... .. ........... 35
Young Dr. Isaac H......... ......... 82
Administration Officers, Supervisors and
Visiting Teachers..................... 4
Case Work Conference ................. 26
Clubs ................................ 26
Classes for Handicapped Children ...... 18
Clergymen and Churches................ 20
Dentists .............................. 28
Drug Stores .......................... 22
Hawkins, Mason A..................... 3
Health Officers........................... 18
Lawyers .............................. 20
Morgan College Faculty ................ 2
Organizations ......................... 24
Paid Social Workers.................... 26
Physicians ............................ 22
Registered Pharmacists................. 22
Schools Public .......................6-18
Telephone Numbers, Location of Schools
and Principals ...................... 5
Wood. Dr. F. M....................... 1
Barker, Beltram..........Inside Back Cover
Boards Drug Store .................... 45
Cassell. Albert I........................ 42
Cameron. Dr. Wm. A, ................. 45
Dunbar Thentre........................ 48
Elite Shaving Parlor .... Inside Back Cover
Fearing's Electric Co..., .Inside Back Cover
Fry. Dr. Clifford C..................... 45
Harris. Dr. H. W...................... 46
Hunton. Benjamin H................... 45
Industrial Savings Bank................ 44
Maxwell's Book Shop.....Inside Back Cover
Millprisho ............................ 44
Mme. Catlin's Beauty Shop
Inside Back Cover
Smith, Dr. W. L....................... 40
Smith. Dr. W. L........ Outside Back Cover
West, Dr. R. M..........Outside Back Cover
West, Dr. R. M........................ 45
White, William H.............. 48
Y. M. C A............................. 48
Y. W. C. A...................... 44