Afro- American ....... Outside Front Cover
Alien, Edna ........................ 53
Alien, Willard W. ............11 and 52
American Bottling Co................ 21
Amen M. E. Church ................ 46
Arch Social Club .................. 43
Arlington Powder Puff............... 47
Association for the Handicapped, Inc. 37
Avery, Dr. Wm. E. ................. 60
Baltimore Urban League............. 30
Banks, Mrs. Laura B., Outside Front Cover
Bethea, William F..................... 44
Bell, Dr, James E...... Inside Back Cover
Blackwell. F. D....................... 51
Bowers. S. C......................... 44
Brown, Dr. Daniel C.................. 59
Bunday, Jamea H...................... 36
Burton. Samuel L. .................. 42
Butler, R. H.......... Inside Front Cover
Butler, William H. ................. 52
Capitol Cake Company ............. 89
Cargill. Dr. Wm, H, ............... 40
Caulk, Oliver J. .................... 45
hase. Arthur B.........Inside Front Cover
Clark, Floyd ....................... 37
Coleman. J. H. ...... Outside Front Cover
Crooke. Dr. James A., Outside Front Cover
Crooke, Dr. James A.. Outside Back Cover
Crown & Cross Lunch Room........ 31
Day Nursery for Colored Children ... 16-B
Dolphin Electric Shoe Repairing
...................Inside Front Cover
Dunbar Theatre ..................... S3
Dorsey & Sons.........Outside Back Cover
Druid Laundry ......Inside Front Cover
Elliott. Mrs. Robert A................ 31
Emerson, Walter S. ................ 48
Fennel's Greater Pharmacy............ 50
Ferguson. George Leo................. 25
Fitzgerald. William L. ............ 41
Fowler's Pharmacy ................. 50
Friedman's Pharmacy .............. 36
Gamby's Subway Billiard Parlor
.................. Inside Front Cover
Goldman, Mrs. Savannah L.
................. Outside Back Cover
Green Lantern ...................... 47
Green's Pharmacy ................... 22
Hall, Albert G. ..................... 47
Hampton, John H.................... 49
Howard, William, Florist
.................. Inside Front Cover
Hawkins & McMechen .............. 49
Henderson, John W. ............... 52
.................. Inside Buck Cover
Milburn, James H. .................. 51
Hohan, Ernest ..................... 52
Holland, Mrs. Geo. H................ 13
Homemaker's Building and Loan As-
sociation ........................ 15
Hoskins' Studio ...... Outside Back Cover
Hotel Bailey ....................... 41
Hotel Reed ......................... 36
Hotel York ......................... 35
Hughes' Orchestra ............... 16-A
Hushes, James W. Catering Co..... 51
Ideal Barber Shop......Inside Front Cover
Ideal Building and Loan Association,
Inc. ............................. 44
Jackson. Dr. Robert L.
,..,,............ Outside Front Cover
Jenkins, J. Hosan, Caterer ......... 51
Johnson, Helen Ash ................ 48
Jones' Confectionery .,,,........... 53
Jones. Dr. O. D. .................... 50
Jones' Home Bakel-y ................. 51
Jones, John W. ..................... 53
Kelson, Thomas E. ................. 46
Koger and Koger ................. 49
Lane & McGuinn .... Outside Back Cover
Lancley. Wm. H. .................. 2S
Lifted Cross Company .............. 22
Locks, Mrs. Joseiih G................. 52
Loving. Lucy D.........Inside Front Cover
Macbeth, Arthur L. ................. 39
Maddox, G. B. & Son.................. 41
Manuel, Acron.........Outside Front Cover
Mayer, L. H. ....................... 48
McCard, Wm. C. .................... 49
McGuinn. Warner T. ............... 49
Miller's L. S. Auto Express
.................. Inside Front Cover
Morgan College ......Outside Back Coyer
Mount Sinai Methodist Church...... :S8
Mutual Benefit Society .............. 42
"My" Barber Shop......Outside Front Cover
Myers, Mrs. Rosa ................... 22
Neuhaus & Company...Inside Front Cover
Northwestern Pharmacies
................. Outside Front Cover
Optic Bindery ......... Inside Front Cover
Oriental Rug Co........Inside Front Cover
Parker, C. T......................... 45
Pearl's Beaule Shop ................. 36
Peck, Dr. Thaddeus S....Outside Back Cover
Penn Hotel ......................... 48
Penn Hotel Grill ................... 45
Penn Studio .......... Inside Front Cover
Peoples Christian Church ........... 27
Personal Stationery Mart ......25 and 22
Pinderhughes, W. W. ............... 19
Reese, Philander .................... 34
Recent Theat re .................... 37
Richardson, Mme. Jennie A........... 52
Riniggold, Edward ................... 40
Roberts, H. A. .........Inside Back Cover
Sallie Dress & Hat Shoppe.......... 33
Sanders ............................. 61
Sewell, Russell P, .................... 63
Sharp Street Memorial M. E. Church
and Community House ........... 32
Shiplev ............................. 38
Siddons & Lester .................. 53
Simmons. Frank A..... Inside Front Cover
Smith's Hotel ....................... 30
Smith, Thomas J. ................... 60
Snowden, Mrs. Ida ................. 52
Stanley, Alvan S. .................. 60
St. Barnntms Church ................ 43
Stepteau's. Harold, Orchestra......... 22
Stern, Morris ....................... 53
Thomas. William E................... 49
Twele Electric Co......Outside Back Cover
Tyler, U. Grant .................... 49
Vanity Shop ......................... 62
Victory Life Insurance............... 82
Wachelian Medicine Co.
.................... Inside Back Cover
Waters, Thomas Hen ty & Son ...... 38
Watkins & Wells .................. 53
Watts. Dr. Charles E. .............. 40
Weaver. Dr. Mabel .................. 35
White, Dr. James A... Outside Front Cover
Whitney, A. B.. W. P. D............. 36
Williams, Dr. Nelson M............... 60
Wilson, Daisy M. .................... 49
Wilson. W. Llewellyn ................ 51
YOUNG, Dr. Isaac H. ................. 34
YounK Men's Christian Association.... 29
Younn'3 Old Reliable Drun Store..... 51
Younp. Vincent W. ................. 42
Attendance Officers.................... 22
Balimore School of Music ........... 36
Case Work Conference .............. 80
Clergymen ........................ 24-28
List of Organizations and Location 26
Location of Schools ................. 8
Notaries ............................ 26
Paid Social Colored Workers of Balti-
more ........................... 30
Pharmacists ........................ 26
Physicians .......................... 26
Schools ........................... 9-22
Baker, Rev. J. J. .................. 4
Ferguson, George Leo ................ 6
Frisby, Prof. Herbert M............... 6
Hays, D. D., Rev. Daniel W....... 6
Jones, William N. .................. 6
Johnson, Mrs. Beulah ............... 6
Steuteau, Dr. C. Harold .............. 6
Tongue, Rev. W. C.................... 14
Valentine, Rev. Lawrence James....... 7
Wood, Francis Marion ............... 4
Blay, Miss Irene .............. 7
Ye Old English Dish of Tee, ec...... 43
Barker, Belton ........ Inside Back Cove
Hoard's Drutf Store ................. 5
Brewer, Mrs. Mollie Syphax ........
Cameron, Dr. William A...............
Coie, John F. ......... Inside Back Cov
Cole's Society Orchestra. Inside Back Cov
Dunbar Theatre ......................
Elite Shaving Parlor...Inside Back Cov
Flaring Brothers ...................
Frey. Dr. C. Clifford.....Inside Back Cov
Gary, Daniel M...........Inside Back Cov
Coins Printing Co........Inside Back Cove
Hamilton Printing Co................ 5
Harris, Dr. H, W........ Inside Back Cover
Henton, Benjamin H., Pharmacist... 65
Naiper's Pharmacy .................. &5
Pendleton, R. L.........Inside Back Cover
Powell, Jessie C....................... 55
Slaughter, D. L. .................... 65
West, Dr. R. M.
.........Outside and Inside Hark Cover
Y. M. C. A., Twelfth St. Branch .. 64
Coleman, J. H.........Outside Front Cover