African Methodist Episcopal Clergymen
Care of Rev. R. A. Green
1132 W. Lexington St.
Colored Business Men's Exchange
1202 Madison Ave. William H. Dodd
Young Women's Christian Association
1200 Druid Hill Ave.
Miss Mabel L. Whiting
Galalean Fisherman Lodge
406 W. Biddle St.
Fisherman of Galilee
1006 Pennsylvania Ave.
Sharp Street Community House
1206 Ettine St.
Miss Flossie White
Lincoln Alumni Association
Care of Rev. John Colbert
829 Fremont Ave.
Federation of Colored Women's Clubs
Care of Mrs. Jennie Ross
2047 Division St.
Knights of Pythias
Care of W. Ashbie Hawkins
14 E. Pleasant St.
Mason Lodges
Mosher and McCulloh Sts.
Willard W. Alien
Moses Lodges 600 Block N. Eutaw St.
N. A. A. C. P.
Care of Truly Hatchett
Biddle and Eutaw Sts.
Postal Employees
Care of Roscoe Mitchell 513 Mosher St.
Women's Co-operative Civic League
Care of Mrs. Sarah C. Fernandis
1427 Madison Ave.
Maryland Inter-Racial Commission
521 McMechen St.
Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity
521 McMechen St. R. Maurice Moss
Douglass High School Alumni
Care of W. Cato Anderson
2435 McCulloh St.
Young Men's Christian Association
1619 Druid Hill Ave. Gordon Widgeon
Seven Wise Men 1224 Madison Ave.
Good Hope Lodge 405 W. Lee St.
Nazarites Calvert St. near Centre
Howard Alumni Association
Care of Dr. Ried 1925 Druid Hill Ave.
Morgan College Alumni Association
Care of Miss Nellie Buchanan
1129 N. Calhoun St.
Health Week Committee
Care of John L. Beery
1127 Druid Hill Ave.
Knights of Pythias
McCulloh and Preston Sts.
George A. Watty
Elks Lodges
Madison and McMechen Sta.
Elks Lodge
Care of J. H. Hilburn
1840 Druid Hill Ave.
Odd Fellows
McCulloh and Lanvale Sts.
Jesse Nichols
Schoolmaster's Club
Care of W. Cato Anderson
2435 McCulloh St.
Hod Carrier Union 1626 Madison Ave.
Longshoremen's Union
Care of William Saunders 1104 Hull St.
Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity
Care of Bascomb Waugh
Morgan College
Baptist Laymen Association
Care of Wm. H. Langley
518 Presstman St.
Methodist Episcopal Clergymen
Care of Rev. Charles C. Nelson
1127 McCulloh St.
St. Peter Claver's Industrial School
Biddle and McCulloh Sta.
Care of Sister Mary Anmunciapla
Bar Association
Care of U. G. Tyler 14 E. Pleasant St.
Association for the Handicapped
Care of Robert W. Coleman
1145 Myrtle Ave
Baltimore Urban League
R. Maurice Moss, Executive Secretary
521 McMechen St
Maryland Medical, Dental and Pharmaceu-
tical Association
Care of Dr. John C. Stewart
704 W. Lafayette Ave.
Defense League
Dr. H. S. McCard 2005 Druid Hill Ave.
Zeta Phi Beta Sorority (Undergrad)
Miss Odell P. Watkins
522 Dolphin St.
Zeta Phi Beta Sorority
Miss Alma Kelly 2018 Druid Hill Ave.
Equal Rights League
Dr. Ernest Lyon 828 N. Carey St.
American Woodmen 1608 Druid Hill Ave.
Baptist Clergymen
Rev. W. W. Alien 829 N. Fremont Ave.
Federation of Parent-Teacher Clubs
Care of Mrs. Laura D. Wheatley
1230 Druid Hill Ave.
Afro-American 628 N. Eutaw St.
Herald Commonwealth
1422 Druid Hill Ave.
1145 N. Stricker St.
Omega Phi Psi Fraternity
Edward Wilson
Morgan College
Colored Day Nursery
Care of Mrs. Jennie Ross
2047 Division St.
South Baltimore Y Club
Robert W. Coleman
1145 Myrtle Ave.
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority
Mrs. C. L. Davis
1821 McCulloh St.
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority
Miss Mary C. Johnson
929 N. Eutaw St.
Phi Delta Kappa Sorority
Miss E. Romaine Adams
422 Mosher St
Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity
Dr. R. L. Jackson
600 N. Arlington Ave.
Sigma Pi Phi Fraternity
Dr. A. O. Ried
1935 Druid Hill Ave.
Sadie M. Dorsey
747 Dolphin St.
Inspector for Md. State Board of Mo-
tion Picture Censors
Office, 211 N. Calvert St.
Grand United Order of St. Luke
445 Druid Hill Ave.
Care of Mr. and Mrs. James W. Frey
424 E. Federal St.
Lifted Cross Company
Charity D. Jefferson
1408 W. Lanvale St.
United Usher Board Association
Care of Henry Sorrell
910 Mulberry St.
Most Worshipful Hiram Grand Lodge, A.
F. & A. M.
549 W. Biddle St.
Floyd Clark, M. W. Grand Master
Court Calanthe
Care of Mrs. Elizabeth White
Arch Social
Care of Geo. Bailey
676 W. Saratoga St.
1213 Myrtle Ave.
Day Nursery and Kindergarten for Col-
ored Children
McCulloh and Biddle Sts.
Care of Sister Claude