Area Social ................................................
.... 74
Bank Porters and Janitors' Asm. of Baltimore City .........
.... 17
Baltimore Educational Association ..........................
.... 73
Baltimore Medical Association, Officers of ...................
.... 73
Biographical Sketches:—
Adams, Hon. Albert...............................
.... 91
Anderson, William................................
.... 96
Hooker, S. S....................................
.... 96
Brace, Mrs. Ellzer ..............................
.... 95
Callis, James A. B................................
.... 96
Coleman, Mrs. Mary Catherine ...................
...... 96
Cummings, Rev. Charles Gllmor...................
.... 88
Corray, Rev. George E., D. D......................
.... 84
Dennis, Rev. Fr. N. P.............................
.... 92
Diggs, Rev. James R. L...........................
.... 86
Elllott, Robert A.................................
.... 98
Galnes, Rev. A. L.................................
.... 89
Hatchett. Truly ................................
.... 96
Hawkins. Mason A................................
.... 87
Hays. Rev. Daniel W.............................
..... 80
Holmes. Dwight O................................
.... 48
Hurst. Bishop John .............................
.... 7S
Johnson, D. D., Rev. S. M .......................
.... 93
Jones. O. D........................... .........
.... 96
Kennard, Prof. O. W.............................
.... 81
Lyon, Rev. Dr. Ernest ...........................
.... 93
Lyons. Hon. Judson W.. Ex-Register..............
.... 97
McCard. Col. Wm. C..............................
.... 86
Mltchell, Rev. Albert J............................
.... 82
Murphy, Daniel H................................
.... 93
Murphy, George H................................
Neal, Rev. P. C..................................
.... 94
Nicholas. Jesse L.................................
.... 83
Smith. Mrs. Hannah C............................
.... 91
Smith, Clarke L....................... .........
.... 98
Smith, Miss Anne E..............................
.... 95
Taylor. E. B.....................................
.... 80
Terrell, Judge Robert H..........................
.... 79
Wortham. D. D., Rev. P. W.......................
.... 80
Caterers..... ................................................
.... 72
Census, 1910...................................................
.... 80
Churches and Clergy..........................................
.... 21
Coachmen's Union Aid Association of Baltimore. Md.. ......
.... 71
Colored Citizens' Equitable Improvement Assn. of F.. Balto.....
.... 83
Colored High School Alnmnl Association.......................
.... 74
Colored High School Faculty.................................
Colored United Workers for the Blind.........................
.... 32
Custom House Employees ....................................
.... 72
My Nursery Association for Colored Children ................
.... 73
.... 67
Drug Stores.................................... ...........
.... 67
Era. Jenifer Neighborhood Club ...........................
.... 74
Federated Charities ..........................................
.... 87
Graduate Nurses' Association, Members of ....................
.... 76
Grace Presbyterian Cbnrch .................................
.... 27
Hair Dressers.................................................
.... 67
Head Walters.................................................
.... 73
High School................................................
.... 89