Miss Anne E. Smith, a native of Baltimore, the daughter
of Martha H. and William H. Smith, was born on the out-
skirts of the city, near Pikesville, where she spent the first
years of her life. She was one of a large family, and with
the other children attended the rural school provided by
the county. As a child she exhibited such aptitude and abil-
ity that she was often called upon to conduct the lessons of
the younger pupils. When she had completed the county
course of study, a. friend, feeling the pity that, it would be to
have her schooling stop at this point, persuaded her parents
to enter her in the Baltimore City schools. This they did.
and after three years in the grades, the little student entered
the High School. Here her work was characterized by that
same earnestness and ability that had been exhibited earlier,
and she graduated in June. 1902, from the Colored High
School, among the first in her class. Her training school
career began in the fall of 1902, and from that time until
December, 1904, in her practice work as a teacher, she proved
that the teaching profession had been the gainer by her en-
Her teaching career was short, however, for Dr. J. H. N.
Waring, in seeking someone to serve him as private secretary
and at the same time to act as clerk at the High School,
recognized Miss Smith's peculiar fitness for the job. She
accepted the proffered position and has retained it until the
present, serving under several principals, and fulfilling her
many duties with a grace and ease, the result of thorough
knowledge of her work and skill combined with tact. Al-