This Association was organized March 15, 1906, with a
capital of $70.00, and with 8 members. Today we have a
comfortable bank account and have paid out for sick dues,
death claims, and charities to the amount of over $5,000,
and we anticipate purchasing a Home in the near future.
All persons desiring membership will make application to
JAS. MENSKEY, Secretary. JOHN F. WHITE, President.
Baltimore Educational Association.
President—H. Milton Gross, cor. Carey Ar Baker Sts.
Vice-President—Miss Ada Thompson, 1123 Carrollton AV.
Ree. Secy.—Miss Annie E. Smith. 1627 Druid Hill Ave.
Cor. Secy.—William Anderson, 1513 Druid Hill Ave.
Treasurer—Miss Mazie L. Key, 1411 Druid Hill Ave.
Day Nursery Association for Colored Children.
President—Mrs. Jennie II. Ross, 2047 Division St.
Vice-Pres.—Mrs. Alethea Bowen, 1126 Druid Hill Ave.
Rec-. Secy.—iliss Mary E. Beale, 527 Robert St.
Cor. Secy.— Miss Annie E. Smith, 1027 Druid Hill Ave.
Treasurer—Mrs. Annie L. Curtis, 1553 Argyle Ave.
Gen. Secy.—Mrs. Sadie Fernandis, 953 Druid Hill Ave.
Maryland Home for Friendless Colored Children.
President—Rev. George F. Bragg, Jr., D.D.. 1133 Park.
Secy.—Mr. George B. Murphy, 1416 Argyle Ave.
Treasurer—Lawyer C. C. Fitzgerald. Relay, Md.
Matron—.Miss Gertrude D. Smith. Ellicott City, 31 d.
Maryland Home for Friendless Colored Children No. 2,
Assistant Matron—Miss Ponton, Ellicott City, Md.
Teacher—Miss Nellie G. Bragg. 1133 Park Ave.
Farmer—-Mr. John W. Chambers, Ellicott City, 'Md.
The Colored High School Alumni Association.
President—James A. B. Callis. 616 N. Baker St.
Rec. Secy.—Mr. George S. Whyte. 663 George Sf.
Cor. Secy.—Miss Lottie O. Chase, 2207 Druid Hill Ave.
Treasurer— Miss Florence Matthews. 1009 Linden Ave.
Chair. Ex. Com.— Jas. L. Thomas. 1125 Carrollton Ave.
The Dubois Circle,
President—Mrs. Mason A. Hawkins, 1532 Dr. Hill Ave.
Secy.—Mrs. Daisy Fitzgerald, 1214 Druid Hill Ave.
Chronicler—Mrs. Nora Anderson, 1513 Druid Hill Ave.
Treasurer—Mrs. Beatrice Braxston, 033 George St.
Cor. Secy.—Mrs. Frances Cardozo. 1524 Druid Hill Ave.