COO Matchett's Baltimore
Conoway Carvill, wheelwright, 145 Bond st
Conoway John F. stone cutter, 152 a Gay st o t
Conoway Robert J. carpenter, Bond st s of Wiik
Conoway Wm. farmer, Whitworth row e of Ross st
Conrad Henry, tavern keeper, corner Strawberry alley and
Conrad Philip, labourer, Hill st near Hanover
Conrad Andrew, grocer, w Pratt st extended
Conrad Jacob, victualler, Penn avenue extended
Conradi C, G. corner Granby and Albemarle sts [Wilk st
Conradt C. G. carpet warehouse, Pratt st w of Albemarle
back on Granby st
Conradt G. J. teacher of music, 6 Lexington st
Constable Albert, attorney at law, 106 Lombard st
Constant Mary, nurse, 14 Block st
Conway Wm. anchor office, n w corner Pratt and Commerce
sts dw Exeter st between Baltimore and Pitt
Conway Solomon, watchman, L. Pleasant st near College al.
Conway & Armstrong, grocers and commission merchants,
66 South street
Conway James, upholsterer, Holiday st 1 door s of Pleasant
Conway Alfred, cordwainer, Peirce st E of Chatsworth
Conway Patrick, carter, German st near Cove
Conway Charles, fisher, William st near Cross
Cony John, pedlar, Spring st n of Gough
Cooch Zebulon H. merchant, 7 Bowly's wharf, dw Gay st be-
tween Baltimore and Second
Cook George A. fancy store. 35 w Pratt st
Cook Washington S. auctioneer and commission merchant, n
w corner Baltimore and Harrison sts
Cook Henry, cooper, Lee st w of Light
Cook Wm. Com. merchant, over 7 Light st wharf, dw s side
Franklin st between Charles and Cathedral
Cook Wm. G. lottery office, s e corner Gay and Baltimore
sts dw 80 High street
Cook E. F. prop. Md. Coffee house, cor Fayette & Holiday sts
Cook John H cabinet maker, intersection Howard & Liberty sts
Cook Henry, dry goods merchant, Fawn st e of High
Cook Lewis, baker, Baltimore st e of Cove
Cook John, coachmaker, Liberty alley n of Beuren st
Cook Wm. furniture store, 28 Baltimore st
Cook Columbus E. auctioneer, corner Baltimore & Harrison
sts dw Aisquith s n of Pitt
Cook Caleb, carpenter, 12 Hill street
Cook Ellen, Inloes' alley near Park st
Cook Thomas B. 14 Block street
Cook Henry, 170 High street
Cook John, liquor store, Union st w of Ross
Cook Sarah, seamstress, 10 Sterling street
Cook William, seaman, 12 Alice Anna st
Cook John F. printer, Ensor st between Forest and Mott