Director for 1835 BUR
Buck Patrick, labourer, Baltimore st w of Cove,
Buck Benjamin & Son, sailmakers, 75 Smith'swharf, dw B
B. Pratt st 1 door B of Gough [near Pratt st
Buck John & Co. nail and spike manufacturers, Canon alley
Buck James, victualler, Briton st N of Monument
Buck John, Pittst E of Aisquith
Buck Wm. millwright, Aisquith st N of Orleans
Buckey Elizabeth, Paca st s of New
Buckingham Samuel, Montgomery st near Light
Buckingham Joseph, carpenter, Gay st w of Aisquith
Buckingham mrs Elizabeth, boarding house, 21 High st
Buckler Dr. John, St Paul st s of Saratoga
Buckley Daniel, firm B. & Kemp, Paca st s of Franklin
Buckley John, painter, Spring st N of Baltimore
Buckless Henry, pilot, 67 Ann street [Pratt st
Bukley and Jenkins, painters and glaziers, w Falls av. near
Buckley Timothy, grocer, Harford avenue, n of the Church
Buckmiller, Robert, tanner, North st near Madison
Buckwalter and Welsh, tobacconists,j265 Baltimore street, dw
Abraham Buckvvalter, Eutaw st N of Camden
+Budd Julius, porter, Pearl st s of Saratoga
Buhre Gotleib U. constable Eden st s of Saratoga
Bulgin Aaron, drayman, Eutaw st N of New st
Bulger Michael, Pearl st s of Fayette [and Franklin sts
Bull John, boot and shoemaker, 6 North st, dw cor Courtland
Bull George W. mt tailor, 160 Baltimore st. dw N Charles st
1 door N of Saratoga st
Bull mrs Harriet. Bank street E of Pitt
Bull Jarret, 98 N Eutaw st
Bull Edmund, printer, Park lane w of Pine street
Ball Mary, tailoress, Canal st N of Orleans
Bullen Frederick, hair dresser, 103 w Pratt st
Sullen Henry, 165 French st
Bullitt Alexander,attorney at law, E Baltimore .st opposite Lloyd
Bunsey Ann, seamstress, NE cor Allice Anna and Wolf sts
Bunten Smith, carpenter, Lexington st near Liberty
Bunting John & Jamas, English and classical academy, 41
High street betw Pitt and Low sts
Banting William J. cordwainer, 76 N Howard st
Bunting John, carpenter, 23 Sterling street
Bunts Capt William, Water st N side E of Exeter
Bunyie Robert, music teacher, 16 Pitt street
Burdett Aaron, Lee street, near Welcome alley
Bureger, Nicholas, blacksmith, Hamburg street near Light
Burford Edward, ship smith, Grant street near Pratt, dw Han-
over street near Hill
Burgan William, carpenter, cor Calvert and Saratoga sts dw
cor Gay and Mott sts
Burger John, Sterling street N of Monument
Burgess Caleb W. grocer, sw cor Gay and Exeter sts