Director for 1835 BRO
Brooks Walter B. shoemaker, Pitt st w of Harford run
Brooks Shadrack, tailor, Gough st s of Granby
Brooks Joseph R. wood inspector, 59 High street
Brooks Ransel, clock dealer, Gay st N of Aisquith
Brooks Michael, liquor store, 70 Franklin street
Brooks Elizabeth, York street w of Light
Brooks Mary, Park lane extended
Brooks Robert, blacksmith, Columbia st near Cove
+Brook Sarah, Peach al. w of Pearl street
+Brook Henrietta, Granby st E of the Falls
+Brooks Robert, caulker, Caroline st s of Water
Broom Thomas, wheelwright, Pitt st N side 3d door K of Straw-
berry alley, shop Bond near Water
Broom James, cabinet maker, Wolf street N of Thames
Broomfield mrs Ann, Spring st N of Baltimore
Broon Eliza, Peace alley E of Lunn's lane,
Brophy William labourer, Tyson alley
Brosius miss Rosalia, tutoress, Centre st E of St. Paul
Brotherton capt Thomas W. Water w of Caroline st N side
Brotherton John P. carpenter, German street near Cove
Browne John W. mt. and agent for New York and Phila-
delphia Packets,65 Smith's wharf,dw 148 s Sharp st
Browne mrs Sarah, fancy dress maker, 32 St. Paul st
Browne Harman, grocer, s Frederick st dw Courtland st S of
Browne mrs Stewart, Courtland st 1 door s of Mulberry tt
Browne James, porter and oyster establishment, NE cor of
Baltimore and Charles sts
Browne James, eating house, SE cor Charles and Baltimore sts
Brown mrs Esther, 25 N Gay st
Brown John, brass turner, Argyle alley s of Alice Anna st
Brown Charles, constable, 90 s Sharp street
Brown mrs Dorothea, 77 High street
Brown Mary M fancy dress maker, 82 S Sharp strtet
Brown John, carpenter, 100 High st
Brown Leyerian, musical academy, Barnet st near Sharp
Brown Joseph B. [carpenter, Long alley s of Ross street
Brown James, soap boiler, 31 Exeter street
Brown Jacob S. carpenter, Pine st s of George
Brown James, Chatsworth E side N of Franklin
Brown Uriah, 25 E Baltimore street
Brown Henry, comb maker, Baltimore street E of Eden
Brown John T. mathematical instrument maker, 14 Salisbury st
Brown Joseph, shoemaker, 18 Thomson st [Aisquith st
Brown mrs Elizabeth, seamstress, NW cor Hull's lane and
Brown mrs Elizabeth, Mullikin street w of Strawberry alley
Brown John H. Hillen st w of Exeter
Brown Edward, labourer, Ross st E of st Mary st
Brown Benjamin, labourer, Biddle alley w of Ross street
Brown Hester, Mulberry st w of Chatsworth