BAK Matchett's Baltimore
BABB JOHN O. baker, 66 s Cliarles street
Babcock Abraham, watchman, Granby st w of Exeter
Bachelor David, shoemaker, Eden street, s of Jefferson
Bachelor William, watchman, Biddle alley w of Ross street
Bachenor Mary, Biddle street w of Ross
Backer John, cooper. Holliday street near Bath
Backhaus Lewis, Hull's lane 4 doors w of Aisquith street
Bacon James, grocer, NE cor Biddle street and Penn Av.
Bacon John, grocer, NW cor Wolf and Fleet sts
Badger Elisha, porter, Lombard street near Light
+Badger Francis, blacksmith, Britton st sw of Neighbour
+Badger Benjamin, drayman, Sharp st near Busy alley
Baer Dr. Benjamin S. NW cor Sharp and Camden sts
Bier John, carpenter, York street near Charles
+Bagger Jarret, Eutaw street s of Conway
Bagnell Wm. millstone maker, Eager alley near Mulberry st
Bahler Francis, whip and cane manufactory, cor Sharp and
Baltimore sts
Bailey Josiah, tavern keeper, 23 N Gay street.
Bailey George, 21 Sharp street,
Bailey Jane, 3 New Church street
Bailey Barney, labourer, Falls turnpike, near Lanvale factory
Bailey mrs Jane Ann, E Baltimore street near Harford run
Bailey Samuel, comb maker, Franklin street E of Cove
Bailey mrs Thomas, 38 Sterling street
Bailey miss N. fancy dress maker, 95 Baltimore street
Bailey George & Co. druggists, 254 Baltimore street
Bailey Thomas, ship carpenter,, 2 Philpot street
Bailey Thomas, ship carpenter, 24 Philpot street
Bailey Elijah, tavern keeper, Eutaw st at Spring Gardens
Bailey Henry, pearl button maker, 52 Front
Bailey John, labourer, Spring street N of Baltimore street
+Bailey Isaac, Columbia street between Eutaw and Paca sts
+Bailey Samuel, ship carpenter, Happy alley N of Wilk st.
+Bailey Sarah, Douglass street w of Aisquith
+Bailey Samuel, caulker, Happy alley N of Wilk street
+Bailey Lucy, washer, 9 Lerew's alley
+Bailey Philis, washer, 19 Lcrcw's alley
Baily Hamilton, carpenter, Ne A-street, w of Eutaw
Baily Captain Edward, Caroline Row Caroline street
Bailie Daniel labourer, Wolf street s of Alice Anna
Bain Hope, porter at Bank of Baltimore, dw Pine st E side N
of Franklin
Bain William, carter, cor Cove and Peirce streets.
Bame Stephen, bricklayer, Orleans street w of Aisquith
Baird Matthew, machinist, York st near Charles
Baise John, of Custom House, Ann street s of Lancaster
Baker Charles, millwright, 81 Harrison street
Baker William. G. attorney at law, 20 St Paul st. dw Frank-
lin street between Charles and St. Paul