Director for 1835 MYE
Musser Henry, superintendent of Chimnies, St Paid st 2d
door from Hamilton
Muth Philip, baker, n w corner Pratt and Charles sts
Myer Francis, teacher in female public school 20 F root St
Myer James, sea captain, corner Ann and Lancaster Sta
Myer Jacob jr. clothier, comer Thames and Bond sts
Myer Jacob sen. 19 Bond st .
Myer Frederick, tavern and boarding house, 56 Bond st
Myer Thomas, brick maker, Hanover st between Barre & Lee
Myerdircks John P. confectioner and distiller, 35 Pratt street
near Hanover
Myerhoffer Peter, cordwainer, corner Penn av. & Franklin st
Myers Charles, hatter, 48 Harrison st
Myers Henry, china merchant, 53 Baltimore street dw no. 18
n Frederick street
Myers Jacob & son, tobacconists, 55 South st. dw Calvert st
Myers Stephen, tailor, 34 Park st f near city spring
Myers Jesse, livery stables, Green st s of Lexington, dw Green
street n of Fayette
Myers Sophia, Salisbury st between Lloyd and Harford run
Myers Wm. Lloyd st s of Salisbury
Myers George, shoemaker, Hampsiead st w of Caroline
Myers Catherine, Potier st n of Gay
Myers rev. H. St Mary's college, Penn avenue n of Franklin st
Myers Charles, victualler, Penn avenue s of Hoffman st
Myers mrs Elizabeth, Exeter st s of French
Myers Charles, victualler, Ross st extended
Myers Wm. labourer, Apple alley s of Alice Anna st
Myers George, victualler, w end Baltimore st
Myers capt. John, 74 Alice Anna st
Myers Charles, hatter, Constitution st s of Monument
Myers Charles, skin dresser, Lefferman's court near French
street tan yard,
Myers George, brass founder, French st near High
Myers Eleanor, Beuren stn of Liberty alley
Myers Daniel, seaman, Spring st n of Gough
Myers Christian, grocer, Harford road s of Ensor st
Myers Lewis, labourer, Cross st near Johnson
Myers Daniel, grocer, 78 Franklin st
Myers & Bokee, importers of china and glass, 53 Baltimore st
Myers John, baker, cor Light st and Armistead lane
Myers E. S. dry goods merchant, 217 Baltimore st
Myers mrs Ann, stock maker, 38 Baltimore st
Myers Jacob, clothing store, corner Bond and Thames sts
Myers Sarah, Ruxton st
Myers George W. clerk, Barre st near Sharp
Myers Henry, grocer, Hanover st near Hill
Myers Jeremiah, Sharp st near Liberty
+Myers Mary, Chatsworth st e side s of Franklin
+Myers Henrietta, Herring's alley near Stiles st