MUL Matchett's Baltimore
Mortimer James, tavern keeper, 9 Fish market
Mortimer Mary, shop keeper, Lancaster st e of Market
Mortimer & Mowbray, brush and variety store, 26 1/2 Pntt and
22 and 180 Baltimore sts
Mortimer J. W. dw 80 Baltimore st
Mortimer John W. firm of do; dw near city spring
Mortimer John, Holland st e of Aisquith
+Mortimer Chesterfield, waiter, Run alley n of Lexington st
Morton G. C. commission merchant, 36 S. Gay st; dw Mul-
berry st between Charles and St. Paul's sts
Morton Saml, cotton spinner, 140 n Eutaw st [Lunn's lane
Morton J. B. firm Coleman & Morton; dw Paca street w of
Morton Patrick, ostler, Chamberlain alley near Eutaw st
Morton mrs Ann, Addison st s side
Morton James, millwright, Cross st near Johnson
Moses Isaac, Forest st n of Gay
Mosher & Smith, commission merchants, 89 Bowly's wharf
Mosher John, merchant, 27 Sterling st
Mosher James, surveyor of port of Balt; dw 19 Fayette st
Mosho Christain, cigar maker, 106 N. Eutaw st
Moss John, labourer, Cove st extended
Moss David, ship builder, Lancaster st w of Ann
Morton George C., Mulberry st near Charles
Mott mrs Rachel, 49 N. Gay st. O. T, . [toga sts
Mott Wm. cordwainer, North st between Pleasant and Sara-
Mount Burnot, 34 Union st
Mountgaret Jabez, cooper, Ruxton st
Mowbray G. W. dw 22 Baltimore st
Moxley Waller, tobacconist, 29 Market st
Moxley Wm. tin plate worker. 66 N. Howard st; dw Eager
alley near Saratoga st
Mudd George, shoemaker, 179 French st
Mudge Wm. carpenter, corner Calvert and Water sts; shop
Grant near Baltimore st
Muirhead Wm. S Thames st, coffee roaster and spice grinder,
Wine alley near Charles st
Mulhear Owen, Holiday st n of Bath
Mulhear Ellen, Sharp st near Saratoga
Mules Samuel, cordwainer, Rock st n of Lexington
Mules Thomas, boot and shoe maker, Garden st near Howard
Mullen Margaret, washer, 44 S. Frederick st
Mullen James, grocer, Porter st n of Douglass
Mullen Frances, Bath st near Holiday
Mullen Thomas, jr, coach maker, 132 High st
Mullen James, captain of centre watch; dw s w corner Holi-
day and Pleasant sts [French
Mullen Thomas sen. clerk Belle Air market, Exeter st s of
Mullen Thomas, blacksmith, Jew alley s of Lexington st
Mullen Richard, shoemaker, Temple st
Mullen Jonathan, Penn avenue, n of Biddle st
Mullen Peier, drayman, Pearce st w of Chatsworth