Director for 1835 MIL
Mettam mrs 3 n Frederick st
Mettee Philip, blacksmith, corner of Grant and Lombard sts.
dw Lombard st between Charles and Light
Mettee Wm. blacksmith, 36 Light st dw Charles st 3 doors s
of Lombard President st
Mettee Martin, blacksmith, Pratt st 2d door w of Gaugh, shop
Mettee Martin W. blacksmith, Gough st e of Eden
Metz Abraham, stone mason, Shakspeare st w of Market
Metz Elizabeth, Spring st n of Wilk
Metzdorff John, fisherman, Cove st near Columbia
Metzgar Daniel, carpenter, Eden st s of Pratt
Meusel Wm. tin worker, Camden st near Sharp
Meyban John, weaver, Preston st w of Ross [bridge
Meyer Godfrey, coppersmith and brass founder, Pratt st near
Meyer John, baker, corner Light st and Armistead lane
Meyer John J. s e corner Conway and Hanover sts
Meyer B. 11 Lexington st
Meyer John L. s w corner Lloyd and Salisbury sts
Meyer Jacob, Penn avenue n of Hoffman st
Meyer John, labourer, Biddle st w of Penn, avenue
Meyer Tobias, boarding house, 33 Franklin st
Meyer Mary, Marion st near Park
Michael Margaret, 105 Pearl st
Michael Ethan, Montgomery st near Light
Middleton Richard, justice of peace, 11 Light st wharf, dry
goods store 38 Pratt street near Hanover, dw corner of
Charles and Lee sts
Middleton Catherine, corner Chesnut alley and Pearl st
Miers Wm. cordwainer, Arcade alley w of Eutaw st
Mifflin Wm. blacksmith, Hollins st w precincts
Milbourn Wm. A. cordwainer, Pearl st s of Lexington
Mil bourn Elijah, shoemaker, East st n of Pitt
+Milbourn Eliza, Sarah Ann st w of Cove
+Milbourn mrs. Carpenter's alley
Miles John, blacksmith, corner East and Hillen sts
Miles Samuel, weaver. Rock st s of Saratoga
Miles David, dyer, Rock st s of Saratoga
Miles John, seaman, Henrietta st near Sharp
Miles Joseph M. printer, Eden st n of Baltimore
Miles Zachariah, china ml. n Howard st near Franklin
Miles Uriah, Saratoga st near Park
Millechop mrs Lydia, boarding house, 26 n Gay st
Millender George, carpenter, Sarah Ann st w of Cove
Miller James, chair maker, 42 South st
Miller G. W. & H. grocers, 21 Centre Market space, dw G.
W. M. Pratt st near High
Miller Jacob, Long alley n of Franklin st
Miller John H. coach lace, fringe cord and military trimmings
manufacturer, 64 s Charles
Miller Wm. F. 24 n Liberty st