LOM Matchett's Baltimore
Little William, seaman, High street n of Granby
Little James, ship joiner, 12 Ann st
Littlefield mrs Susannah, 132 n Howard st
Littlejohn John, Paca st e of Green
Littlejohn John jr. 32 s Howard st
Livers Nicholas, labourer, Preston st w of Ross
Livingston Peter, cordwainer, Lee st w of Hanover
Livingston James, shoemaker, near Charles st city spring
Livingston Stephen, shoe store, 56 1/2 Hanover st
Livingston James, shoemaker, Forest n of Douglass st
Livingston Constant, Cross st near William
Lloyd Geo. barber, 73 Hanover st
Lloyd Jno. J. attorney at law, Fayette st near Calvert
Lloyd mrs M. Lexington st e of Cove
Lloyd Charles, 44 Lerew's alley
+Lloyd Mary, Apple alley, s of Fleet st
Loane Joseph, sail maker, 67 Smith's wharf, dw Stiles near
Loane Thomas, confectioner,Calvert st s of Mulberry [Gough
Loane Jno. rope maker, Gay st e of Forest
Loane Edmund, shoe store, 66 Lexington st
Leather Jno. feed store, n e corner East and Gay st
Lock T. M. com mt 12 Light st wharf
Lock Nat turner and drum maker,corner Charles & Perry sts
Lock Thomas O. grocer, 163 n Gay st o t
Lock Jno. carter, Apple alley n of Wilk st
Locke Alex. Peirce st w of Pearl
+Lockman Daniel, sawyer, Low st Still house row
++Lockman .Fanny, washer, Ivy alley
Locks Alex. 15 s Howard st
Lockward Doctor J. P. no 11 Harrison st
Lockwood Edward, Hawk st
Lockwood Wm. tailor, 25 Sterling st
Lockwood John, draper and tailor, no. 1 St. Paul st dw Mul-
berry 3d door w of Park st
Lockwood Cranby E. cordwainer, Paca st n of Lexington
+Lodge Moses, seaman, Happy alley, n of Gough st
Logan Mary, Calvert near Centre st
Logan Saml. L. baker, 82 Wagon alley
Logan Hugh, cabinet maker, 50 n Liberty st
Logan Jno. tailor, corner Mercer & Grant sts
Logan James, labourer, Jackson st n side
Logan Joseph, cooper, 38 Lerew's alley, dw Franklin st near
Logie Jessay, milliner, 54 n Liberty st do.
Logsdon Caleb, hatter, Caroline st sof Pratt
Logue Eliz. seamstress, Chamberlain alley near Entaw st
Logue T. stone mason, Peirce st w of Chatsworth
Logue Michael, shoemaker, 94 Ensor st dw Potter st s of Low
Loker Michael, Alice Anna st no 97
+Lomas David, caulker, Fleet street e of Bond
Lomax James, glass maker, 5 Water st near Calvert