JON Matchett's Baltimore
Jones Barney, ship carpenter, Fleet st E of Castle alley
Jones Joel, deputy keeper of Penitentiary, 2 Constitution st
Jones John, potter, 161 French st
Jones John, bricklayer, Canal st s of Monument
Jones Benjamin, bricklayer, Canal st s of Monument
Jones Talbot & co. grocers & com. mts. NW corner Howard
and Baltimore sts
Jones Samuel, jr firm of T. J. & co dw Eutaw st next to Hus-
sey's new tavern
Jones mrs Margaret, Eden st H of Pitt
Jones James, cooper, 21 Phil pot st
Jones William, blacksmith, 94 Market st
Jones Joseph, moulder, Hollins st w. p.
Jones Capt Washington B. Hanover st near Lee
Jones Com. Jacob, Franklin st near Charles
Jones Margaret, seamstress, 8 Block st
Jones Abraham, caulker, Starr alley s of Wilk st
Jones & co ship masters, 39 Thames st
Jones Owen, collector & sexton Caroline Meth. E. church,
Spring st near the church
Jones Francis, ship chandler, corner Pratt & Fredrick sts
Jones Ann Margaret, fancy store 21 Bazaar
Jones James D. carpenter, 181 French st
Jones Mary, butter dealer, Harford avenue N of the church
Jones John R. carpenter, Harford road n side
Jones David, shoe maker, Henrietta st near Light
Jones & Woodward, domestic warehouse, 191 Baltimore st.
dw W. W. Fayette between Charles and Liberty
Jones John, ship carpenter, York st w of Light
Jones Elisha, fisherman, Cross st near Johnson
Jones William R. coach maker, 106 Exeter st
Jones Lewis, huckster, 13 s Howard st
Jones Thomas, hatter, 111 High st
++Jones Isaac, drayman, Howard st near Barre
++Jones Robert, carter, Argyle alley s of Fleet st
+Jones James, brick maker, 69 s Howard st
+ Jones Israel, caulker, Forest st n of Douglass
+Jones Joseph, cheese dealer, Thames st w or Ann
++Jones Thomas, carpenter, Mullikin st e of Eden
+Jones Sally, Garden st near Richmond
++Jones Mary, Moore alley w of Eutaw st
+Jones Christopher, East st s of Douglass
+Jones Wm. Moore alley w of Eutaw st
+Jones Kinsey, labourer, Star alley n of Wilk st
+Jones Gideon, carpenter, Canal st n of Holland
++Jones Rachel, washer, Happy alley n of Lancaster st
+Jones James, drayman, Asbury st
++Jones Jacob, carter, Carpenter's alley
++Jones Mitchell, wagoner, Hill st near Charles
++Jones Peter, Wagon alley near Park st