Director for 1835 HEL
Hazard John, blacksmith, Bank lane n side
Hazelip mrs. second hand clothing store, 37 Second St
Head mrs. Margaret, Baltimore st w of Cove
+Heading Basil, drayman, Potter st n of Douglass
Headinger Catharine, s e corner Hampstead and Caroline sts
Heald Jacob & Co., tobacconists, 57 Smith's whf and 2
Spear's whf; dw Baltimore st 2d door w of East
Heald William, tobacco and snuff manufacturer, 19 Centre
Market Space; dw Pitt st near Exeter
Health Commissioners' Office, City Hail, Holliday st
Health Office of the Port of Baltimore, S. B. Martin, physi-
cian, corner of Wolf and Fell sts
Healy Rev.——— pastor of Baptist Church Fell's Point; dw
Baltimore st. between Caroline and Spring
Healy Ann, huckster, n e corner Bond and Gough
Healy John, 11 Bond st
Heaps mrs Rebecca, Rock st s of Lexington
Heath U. S. attorney at law, 28 Sr. Paul st
Heath J. P. attorney at law, corner of St. Paul & Fayette sts
dw NW corner German & Green sts
tHeath Hester, carpet weaver, Apple alley N of Fleet st
Healey Ann, huckster, NE corner Bond & Gough sts
Healey John, 11 Bond street
Heavener John, locksmith & bell hanger, 3 Monument st
Hebb John, pilot, 101 Ann st
Hebern Samuel, wheelright, 28 Fayette st
Hebrew William, labourer, Asbury lane
+Hebrew Stephen B. dyer & scourer, 24 Lexington st
Heckrotte William, proprietor of fountain inn, corner Charles
& Camden sts dw 36 Conway st
Hedinger Daniel, carpenter, Bond st N of Pratt
Hedrick Thomas, sailmaker, Pratt st s side E of Gough
Hedrick Richard, superintendent of chimnies, Aisquith st s
of Hull's lane
Heffner Edward, plaisterer, Montgomery st near Charles
Heide Rachel, 163 Baltimore sheet
Heigh Benjamin M. attorney at law, Masonic Hall, Court
House lane, dw Mulberry st near Park
Heigh mrs Jane, 101 Hanover street
Heilbrun M. watch and clock maker, 7 n Gay street
Heimerdinger, Charles, shoemaker, Saratoga st near Howard
Heineken C. A. & Schutnacher, importing merchants, over
10s Charles street
Heiser Henry W. grocer, Howard st s of Franklin, dw Mul-
berry st s of Pearl
Helfenstein Rev. Albert, paster of German Reformed Church,
Second street next the church
Heller, Samuel, coachmaker, Charles st 1 door from Barre
Hellick Stephen, domestic goods manufacturer, cor Howard
and Madison streets