+Gross Benj. waiter, 64 South st
+Gross Philip, ropemaker, Cross st w of William
+Gross A brain, brickmaker, Charles st s of Hill
+Gross Cor. drayman, Pratt st road w of Wash-
Grove Belinda, w Falls avenue
Grove John, shoemaker, Harford avenue
Grove mrs Stephen, 31 N Green st
Grover Jacob, locksmith, 105 Camden st
Grover miss Hannah, teacher, Calvert st near city
Grover Charles, carpenter, Harford avenue oppo-
site Greble's pottery
Grover Richard, shoemaker, Harford avenue
Groverman A. & Sou, china, glass and queen's
ware merchants, 225 Baltimore st. dw 83
Sharp st
Groverman Anthony, merchant, Sharp st near
Groves mrs Sarah, 24 South st
Grubb Wm. morocco dresser,N Gay st near Mott
Grubb George, cedar cooper, German six of Piue
Grubb mrs Margaret, oysterhouse, 9 w Franklin st
Gruber Jacob, grocery & liquor store, cor How-
ard & Camden sts
Grundy George Carr, secretary to life insurance
company, dw 12 Courtland st
Grundy B. merchant, dw Franklin st. s side w
of St. Paul's lane
Grush capt Conrad, Baltimore E of Caroline st
Guest Samuel, wood corder, Lee st w of Charles
Guildener mrs. Hannah, 73 N Liberty st
Gulley & Emich,stove manufacturers, 26 Light st
Gulley Philip, stove manufacturer, s Charles st
N of Henrietta
Gunby mrs Mary S. 133 N Eutaw st
Gunby Stephen, ship carpenter, 5 Block st
Gunn Bernard, grocery & liquor store, N Paca st
Gunn James, 13 s Charles st
Gurney Gridley, shoemaker, cor Light st & Arm-
stead lane
Gurrell Ralph, weaver, Silver st near Pierce
Gustine John, shoemaker, Potter st near Douglass
+Gustis Matilda, Hamilton st
+Gustis Eliza, Hamilton st
+Gustis Vincent, ship caulker, 20 Bank st
+Gustis Abram, laborer, 19 E Baltimore st
Guthrow mrs Julia, 38 s Charles st
Guyton Sarah, Strawberry alley near Bank st
Gwinn mrs Hannah, 106 N Exeter st
Gwynn Charles merchant, 7 Spear's wharf, dw
76 w Pratt st
++Gwynn Charles, laborer, Butler's lane
+Gwynn London, sawyer,Doctor's lane near Har-
ford avenue
+Gwynn James,laborer,Salisbury st w of Har.run
+Gwynn Henry, laborer, Park lane
+ ABBRRSETT H. innkeeper, 116 N High st
+ Habron Samuel, laborer, Howard st near Biddle
Hacke Andrew, grocer, cor Dutch alley &, How-
ard st. dw Lexington st betw Pine & Cove
Hacket S. brickmaker cor Camden & Howard sti-
+Hacket Charles, drayuian,Forest st s of Belle Air
+Hacket George A. keeper of 'livery stables, Bath
w of North st
Hackney Robert, bricklayer, George st near Pearl
Hadaway Oakley, ship carpenter, 50 Gough st
Hadden Samuel, sail maker, 8 Philpot st
Hadley Joseph, laborer, Hookstown road
Hagen Dennis, weaver , Whitworth row near
Rock st
Hager Geo. dry goods merchant, dw w Baltimore
st E of Pearl
Hager, John W. lottery & exchange office, 72
Baltimore st
Hagernet John E, laborer, Alice Anna st near
Hagerty mrs. Sarah, Wine alley near Meeting
Hagerty Andrew, cooper, Davis st near Bath
Hagerty John, clerk, Holland near Harford st
Hagerty James, boot & shoe store 9 s Calvert st
liagerty James, shoe store, 22 Centre market
space, dw 2 Comet st
Hagey Jacob, carter, Sharp st
Hagger Benjamin K. mathematical instrument
maker, 57 South st