Cross Geo. shoemaker, 16 N Gay st
Cross Richard J. lumber merchant, 4 O'Don-
nell's whf, dw 42 N High st
Cross Wm. weaver, Granby st near Gough
Cross mrs Rachel, 5 E Baltimore st
Crouch mrs. Mary, Fleet near Ann st
Crouch John, shoemaker, Henrietta st near s
Crouch mrs E. plain milliner, 6 Albemarle st
Crouch David, carter, Montgomery st near Charles
Crouch Thomas M. brushmaker, George st near
Crout Anthony, feed and grain store, 21 Light
st wharl
Crout Anthony s Charles st N of West st
Crow Dennis, pedler, 74 French st
Crowder mrs Hannah, tailoress, East st near
Crowley Patrick, carpenter, Franklin st near
+Crovvner Mary Mulberry st near Pearl
Crovvther Robert, 36 N High st
Croxall mrs Isabella, N Exeter st
Croxall John, 22 Lombard st
Crozier Ann Maria, Pinkney st near Bond
Crozier Thomas, carpenter, Monument st near
Cruett Wm. tavern keeper, Falls turnpike
Crummer & Eckel, produce merchants NW cor
Hillen and Exeter,dw of firm between Hil-
len and French st N side
Crumwell John farmer, Sarah Ann alley
Crumwell Neal G. brush maker, Sterling st
Crumwell Jacob, carpenter, 50 Ross st
Crumwell mrs Sarah, Camden st betw. Eutavv &
Howard sts
Crumwell mrs boarding house, 32 South st
+Crumwell Edward, shoemaker, Bottle alley
++Crumwell George, shoemaker, 88 w Pratt st, dw
72 Conway st
Cruse George, shoemaker, Argyle alley, w end
Cruse Isaac, grocer and flour merchant,cor Frank-
lin and Paca, dw 1 door from cor Franklin
& Park sts
Cruse Henry, tobacconist,Eutaw st s of Franklin
Cudlipp Benj. dyer, 44 Harrison st
Cugle mrs Ann, boarding house, 247 Baltimore st
Cullen, Wm. laborer Wolf st F. P.
Cullen Isabella grocery 7 Alice Anna st.
Culley Robt, ship carpenter, N of Hughes
Culley Langly B. ship carpenter, Light st oppo-
site Hill st
Cullimore John, blacksmith, Lancaster near Ann
Cullimore Wm. grocery and liquor store, C N Gay
Cullison M. pilot Wolf st F. P.
Cuilumber Dolly, seamstress, 23 Alice Anna st
Culiumber Nicholas, tailor, n Eden st near Silver
Culuan Geo. tailor, 33 N High st
Culverwell Richard J. bookbinder, 1 George st
Cummings Margaret, Ann near Gough st
Cummings Alexander, boat builder, 34 Thames
shop s end Bond st
Cummings Thomas, engineer, Constitution st
near Monument
Cummings Thomas, soap and candle factory
York avenue
++Cummings Simon, waiter, Richmond st
Cummings Saml. weaver and dyer, Sarah Ann s
Cummings Alexander M. 45 N Charles st
Cummins John H. carpenter, Pinkney st near
Cummins mrs Ann, cor Park and Lexington sts
+Cummins James, laborer, Eden st near Pratt
Cunce Joseph, musician, Biddle st near Ross
Cunningham James, shoe maker, 43 N Exeter s
Cunningham James, grocer E cor E Baltimore &
Front sts
Cunningham Cassandra, tailoress, Falls st nea
Beuren st
Cunningham John, grocer, French st near Hiller
Cunningham Wm. house carpenter, Forest st
near Orleans st
Cunningham Edward, weaver, Pierce st
Cunningham Alexander, stage driver, Water st
w of Commerce
Cunningham Timothy, clerk, cor Paca st an
Carpenter's alley
Cunningham Wm. liquor store, 26 Franklin st
Cunningham John, carpenter, 38 w Saratoga st