Comegys Jesse, baker, Calvert st near .baptist
Commercial Chronicle, (published by Leakin &
Barnes) office n Gay st. near Baltimore, dw
of each s High st
+Commodore Rich. Chesnut alley, near Pine st
Conant S. W. fruiterer, n Howard st under 11
dw 9 Ross st
Conart Samuel W. collector, Montgomery st w
of Charles
Conaway Alfred,ladies' shoemaker, Pierce st near
Pine st
Conaway Wm. cotton factor, 147 French st
Conaway Solomon, grocery and liquor store, Sa-
ratoga near Cove st
Conaway Charles, fisherman, William st w of
Cross st
Conaway Carvill, wheelwright, 145 Bond st
Condon Maurice, grocery and liquor store, 104
Dugan's wharf
+Conger Eli, steamboat man, Short st
+Conig Lloyd, drayman, Kimmell's alley
Conine Wm. C. lottery and exchange broker, 32
Baltimore st. dw 26 Frederick st
Conklin Ann, widow, 58 Bond st
Conklin capt. Wm. H. 75 Market st F. P.
+Conklin Margaret, Richmond st
Conn mrs Jane, 14 Lombard st
Conn mrs Mary Ann, teacher, 50 N Gay st
Conn, Daniel, lumber mer. Mulberry st between
Pearl and Pine
Connelley Thomas, house carpenter, Aisquith st
near Gay
Connelly John, drayman, NE cor Bank and Eden
Connelly Felix, baker, NE cor Bank and Eden sts
Connelly miss Mary, teacher, 99 Saratoga st
Connelly mrs Hannah, Holliday near Bath st
Connelly Patrick, baker, Holliday st near Bath
Connelly John, cooper, German st w of Pine
Conner James, seaman, Lancaster near Ann st
Conner mrs Ellen, teacher, 7 Fleet st
Conner Wm. grocer, cor Water and Concord sts
Conner mrs Hannah, boarding house, 24 Albe-
marie st
Ponner Isaac rope maker, Cross st near William
Conrad Henry, innkeeper, and hackdriver, 26 nw
cor Wilk st and Strawberry alley,
Conradt G. J. professor of music, 6 w Lexington st
Conradt C. G. & Co. carpet manufactory, Granby
st near Pratt st bridge, dw Water st near
Constable mrs Elizabeth, grocer, Ensor st
++Constable Benj. waiter, Hamilton fit
Constine Richard, carr driver, Falls turnpike
Conway Robert, carpenter, 118 Bond st
Conway Wm. anchor manufacturer,cor Wilk and
Columbia sts. dw n Exeter near Pitt, office
cor Commerce and Pratt
Conway & Armstrong, grocers and com. mer-
chants, 66 South st 3 doors from Pratt
Conway James, dry goods merchant, 43 n Gay st
Conway Thomas, Dutch alley
Conway Wm. cotton spinner, 65 French st
Cooch T. mer. dw at mrs Hubley's s Gay st near
Cook Thomas, seaman, 14 Block st
Cook Jacob, whip maker, 97 Saratoga st
Cook John H. cabinet maker, cor Howard, Lom-
bard and Liberty sts
Cook Wm. blacksmith, n Howard st n of Madi-
son St
Cool; mrs Eleanor, lailoress, Inloes alley
Cook George A. fancy dry goods store, 36 w Pratt
Cook Henry, dry goods merchant, 79 Baltimore st
Cook Wm. G. lottery and exchange office. 80 Bal-
timore st
Cook W. S. auction and com. mer. 3 Lorman row,
Hanover st.
Cook Henry, French st between Potter and
East sts
Cook Wm. shoemaker, Falls st near Beuren st
Cook Thomas, shoemaker, 33 N Exeter st
Cook John F. printer, Ensor st E of Forest
Cook E. S. blacksmith, Charles st near Lee
Cook Thomas, cabinet maker. William st N end
Cook Addison, blacksmith, Hughes st
Cook Fenner, stone cutter, w Pratt st E of Covo
Cook Frederick, Montgomery st near Hanover
Cook Isaac P. bookseller, stationer, &c. 52 Balti-
more st. dw Eager alley