Wilson James wheelwright and blacksmith ,w
Baltimore st E of Cove
Wilson Hugh, medicine office, 79 n Green st
Wilson.John, engineer on rail road, Bottle alley
Wilson Robert, cooper, Henrietta st near s Char.
Wilson James laborer, Sugar al bet w. Light and
Charles sts
Wilson Samuel, laborer. Gross st E of William
Wilson James, carter, Armtstead lane
Wilson Wm. York. st E of Light
Wilson Isaac, seaman, Peace alley
Wilson Richard, sawyer, n Paca st
Wilson. John J. plasterer, 103 N Eutaw st
Wilson Robert, plasterer, N Eutaw st
Wilson James, plasterer, N Eutaw st
Wilson Luther, plasterer, N Eutaw st
Wilson Wm. flour and produce merchant, 30
Franklin st. dw Franklin st w of Pine
Wilson Samuel, waiter, Carpenter's alley
Wilson Stephen S. country produce merchant,
93 N Howard st
Wilson James, grocer and produce merchant, NE
cor Howard and Franklin sts
Wilson mrs Susanna, boarding house, 38 w Sara-
toga st
Wilson miss, tutoress, cor Park and Saratoga sts
Wilson mrs Hannah, 22 Saratoga st
Wilson James, waiter. College alley
Wilson E. T. & Snowden, commission merchants,
4 Bowly's wharf, dw E. T. Wilson, 37
Courtland st
Wilson Wm. currier, 35 s Calvert st. dw Holli-
day st N of Saratoga
Wilson Wm. & Sons, merchants, 105 Baltimore
st, dw of James Wilson, (firm of do.) 18
Holliday st. dw of Thomas Wilson, (firm
of do,) Lexington st near Charles
Wilson Robert, attorney at law, w Fayette st E
of Paul's st. dw Penn, av
Wilson Joseph P. grocer, cor Sharp and Ger-
man sts
Wilson William, carpenter, 12 Peace alley
prison Peter, clothing store, 70 s Calvert st dw
Camden st near city spring
Wilson Nixon, clothing store, 19 w Pratt st
Wilson Stephen, merchant, 28 Hanover st
Wilson James, baker and liquor store, 73 w Pratt
Wilson Samuel, store cor Shakspeam and Mar-
ket. st. dw 7 Shakspeare st
+Wi!son Ann, confectioner, Bond st near Alice
Anna st
Wilson George, block and pump maker, nw cor
Bond and Gough st
Wilson Robert jr. attorney at law, 137 n Eutaw st
Wilson mrs Mary, Lombard st w of Eutaw
Wilson Samuel, saddler and harness maker, w
Pratt st near Paca
Wilson mrs Ann, 31 German st
Wilson mrs.62 N Guy st
Wilson Wm. innkeeper, cor Pratt and Patterson
Wilson Robert, cashier of the bank of Maryland,
South st
Wilson Felix, plaisterer, N Gay st near Mott
Wilson G. B, & Co. flour merchants, 55 Smith's
wharf dw 19 s Howard st
Wilson & Peterkin. merchants, 51 s Gay st
Wilson Thomas, (firm of Wilson & Peterkin) 4w
98 N High st
Wilson David, flour merchant, 16 McElderry's
Wilson John, grocer, 6 w Baltimore st
Wilson Rachel, Concord st
Wilson George, copper smith, 19 B Water st
Wilson John, tavern keeper .Caroline st near Wiik
+Wilson Sophia. Hill st E of Sharp
+ Wilson Wm. brickmaker, Alley near Pine st
+ Wilson James, laborer, Gooseberry alley
+ Wilson James, laborer, Sarah Ann st
+Wilson Phoebe, washwoman, Gallows hill
+Wilson Henry, butcher, Sterling st
+Wilson James, coachman, Short st
+Wilson Alfred, porter, Aisquith si near Jefferson
+ Wilson Comfort, washwoman, Aisquith st
+Wilson Samuel waiter, Forest st war Douglass
+Wilson Wm. coachman. Potter st near Low
+ Wilson Antony, drayman, n Exet. st near Hillen
+ Wilson Wm. sawyer, Thames st near Bond
+Wilson T. laborer, w Spring st
+Wilson Elijah, laborer, Peace alley
+Wilson John J. hair dresser, 9 New st.