+Simpson Isaac, laborer, Spring st near Gough
Sims Oliver & George, Fort road near magazine
Sims's chemical works, Fort road
Sinclair Cyrus, block & pump maker, 4th door
E of High st
Sinclair mrs Jane, s Exeter st near Pratt
Sinclair James, machine maker, s Exeter st near
Sinclair Matthew,stone cutter, Monument st
Sinclair John, blacksmith, York road
Sinclair A lex. ship carpenter,Fleet st Gardner's
ship yard
Sinclair & Moore, agricultural implements maker
and seeds store, cor Light & Pratt sts
Sindall Samuel, dry goods merch. 22 Centre Mar-
ket space
Sindal! Joshua stone cutter, SE cor High and
Water sts
Singleton & Mezick 38 s Gay st
Singleton mrs Elizabeth, cor Gay & Fayette sts
Singleton Charles F. merchant, dw Pratt st £ of
Singleton & Mezick, merch. 38 s Gay st
Singleton mrs Elizabeth, cor Gay and Fayette sts
+Singleton Pheonix, laborer, 30 n Frederick st
Sink mrs Mary, seaman's home, and shipping
office, 39 Thames st
Sinners Elijah K. Tarnmany hall, 35 Water st
Sinthon mrs Betsy, 23 Commerce st
Simon Francis, Bank lane
Sitler miss Mary, dress maker, Green st N of
Skiles John, shoemaker, Dutch alley
Skillman Robert, painter, NW cor High and
Water sts
Skinner Doctor D. H. cor Lee and Hanover sts
Skinner Zachariah, ship carpenter, York st near
Skinner Wm. ship carpenter, 123 Barre st
Skinner Robert, last and finding store, cor Calvert
and Water sts
Skinner John S. postmaster, office cor n Calrert st
and Bank lane, dw 46 n Charles st
Skinner mrs Ann, 14 Barnet st
Skinner C. A. 26 n Gay st
+Skinner Thom. brick moulder, Cross st
+Skinner Benjamin, laborer, President st near B
Skipper Macgregdr, laborer, Falls turnpike
Skipper mrs Isabella, seamstress, 70 N Exeter st
Slack mrs. milliner, w Mulberry st near Eutaw
glade miss J. tutoress, 39 E Fayette st
Sladi Lewis, hackman, Fleet st near Bond
Slane mrs. n Calvert st near Bath
Slasland Alexander, plasterer, Mott st near Ster-
Slate Geo. A. carpenter, Mulberry st near Park
Slater Henry, comb and brush manufactury, 35
Market st
Slater mrs Bridget, 123 n Eutaw st
Slater George, grocery and liquor store,s tide of
Lexington Market space
Slaughter James M. comm. merch. 97 Bowley's
wharf, dw Conway st betw Charles and
Hanover sts
++Slaughter Daniel, oyster cellar, President st
near E Pratt
Slee Peter, shoemaker, Liberty alley near Madi-
son st
Sleeger Daniel, printer, 30 Pitt st
Sleeper J. proprietor of Washington hotel, 4 n
Gay st
Slemmer C. house carpenter,Pratt st N side near
Sleppy Jacob, carpenter, Pearl st near Pierce
Slicer Wm. coachtnaker, cor Second and Frede-
rick sis
Slingluff Charles D.(firm Ensey and Slingluff,)54
w Fayette st
Slingluff C. w Fayette st near Eutaw
Sliver mrs Sarah, mantuamaker, 29 Camden art
Sliver, A. soap & candle manufacturer, Liberty al
dw 22 Constitution st
Sloan James, grocery and liquor store, Stillhouse
near Market st
Sloan James, boot and shoemaker, basement story
of Barnum's hotel, n Calvert st, dw Charles
n of Mulberry