Purdy Win. cabinetmaker, w Pratt st near Eutaw
Purdy John, iron merch. nw cor Pratt and Alber-
marle st
++Purdy Haffay, cook, Pine st
++ Purdy Wm. 60 South st
Puret Wm. stevadore, Strawberry al near Pink-
ney st
Purnell Richard, miller, N end of North st
Purnell Charles B. merchant tailor, 60 w Pratt st
Purpur C. laborer, Bottle alley n of Howard st
Purpur Charles, butcher, Columbia st
Purpur John, butcher, Columbia st
Purviance Hon. John, associate judge of Balt. Co.
Bank, dw Gay st s of Balt.
Purviance Robert, merchant, 11 Courtland st N of
Purviance John, attorney and counsellor at law,
office s Frederick st. dw s Gay
Purviance Robert jun. attorney and counsellor at
Jaw, office s Frederick st. dw s Gay
Purvis James F. trader, Harford avenue
Pyke Abram, tobacconist, 14 N Howard st
QUAAN JAMES, laborer, Holiday st N of
Quahal J. H. fisherman, Lancaster st near Ann
Quail George K. hatter, 56 w Pratt st
Quail James R. & Robert, cooper, 12 Grant st
Quail George, hatter. Columbia st
Quarry Edward, grocer and tavern, Harford av.
Quay John, boat bilder, 1 Philpot st
Quay John C. house carpenter, 83 Hanover st
Quay mrs Sarah, NE cor Pitt & Eden sts
Queen-Sidney. College alley
+Queen Rachel, washwoman, President st near
+Queen Rachel, Mulberry st w of Pearl
+Queen John, brickmaker, Montgomery st
+Queen Edward, carter, West st
+Queen Elias, laborer, Light st extended
+Queen Steph. clothes dealer, Hill st near Charl.
+Queen T. hair dresser (Hanover Bazaar) Cam-
den st
+Queen Harriet, washer, s Frederick st
+Queen S. washer, Charles st s of Hamburg
Quick John, carpenter, 100 Bond st
Quincy capt. John D. N Exeter st near Pitt
Quinn mrs Sarah, Long lane
Quinn Thorn, laborer, circus tavern, Front st
Quinn John, laborer, 18 Bath st
Qukin Patrick, shoemaker, 1 Mercer st
Quinn Edward, justice of peace, cor Bond and
Alice Anna sts
+Quinn Wm. drayman, Pearl st
Quinton John, Welcome alley
Quinton Sol. carpenter, Conway st near Charles
+Quinton Joe, Barre st near Sharp
KAAB PHILIP, piano maker, Saratoga st
near Pearl
Rabnot Geo. seaman, 83 Bond st
Raborg Samuel, glue, cowskin, glasspuper and
Neat's foot oil manufacturer, Columbia st
w of Cove
Raborg Franklin, do. do.
Raborg Christopher, copper, brass and tin manu-
facturer, 12 w Pratt st dw 18 do.
Raborg Lewis, boot and shoemaker, 73 N Lib-
erty St
+Race William, laborer, Bishop's al. near Stiles st
Radeng Ferdinand, nail maker, 4 Comet st
Rae Adam, millwright Busy al. E of Hanover st
++Rainer Peter, farmer, Howard st
Rains Lewis, sea capt. 2 Gough st
Raitt Charles H. country produce merch. 123 n
Howard st. dw Howard n of Madison
Ralph James, machinist Lexington st near Pine
Rammer Thomas, engineer, Welcome alley
Rammington Jesse, cor Market and Thames st
Ramsay Joseph, blacksmith, 1 Phil pot st
Ramsay mrs Ann, 8 Thames st
Ramsay Jefferson, clerk in chemical factory, dw
E Water st
Ramsay Robert, butcher, Gallows hill
Ranburg John, mariner, 48 N High st
+Ramsay Charl. sawyer; Caroline st near Pinkney
+Ramsay John, laborer, N Eden st near Pitt
Ramsay Wm. brush manufactory, 18 N Howard st