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Matchett's Baltimore Director for 1833
Volume 492, Page 133   View pdf image (33K)
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MIT——to——MOO 133

+Mitchell Robin, Eel alley
+Mitchell Aminta, Happy alley
+Mitchell James, caulker, Gough st
+Mitcheli Rachel, Bottle alley
+Mitchell S, laborer, Armistead lane
Mittan mrs Leghorn millinery, 71 w Pratt st
Moale Randall H. attorney at law, SE cor Charles
and Mulberry sts. office w Fayette
Moale Samuel, solicitor in chancery, Fayette st
E of St. Paul's st. dw Mulberry st opposite
the cathedral
Moale John C. merchant, Bowly's wharf, up stairs,
dw 75 N Charles st
Moale Wm. A. com. mer. 95 Bowly's wharf, dw
Pleasant st
Mob Francis carter, Bishop's alley near Stiles st
Mobery John, tailor, 11 Mercer st
Mobley Wm. H. cabinet maker, w Baltimore near
Eutaw st
Mobs George, Salisbury st near Lloyd
Mockwith Wiliiam,shoemaker,Ensor st near Mott
Moelinger Jacob, carpenter, Mulberry st E of Pine
Moffat James, laborer, Forest st near Gay
Moffat ——— , laborer, Franklin st extended
Moffitt Thomas, grocer, Union st near Ross
Moffitt Joseph, carter, Pierce st
Moffit Anthony, clothing store, 72 Centre Market
Moffitt Robert, livery stable keeper, 40 n Sharp st
Mohler Jacob.machine maker, N Eden near Pitt st
shop 26 Harrison st
Mohler mrs Barbary, 28 Harrison st
Mohler J. T. & A. brass founders, 26 Harrison st
++Moles Charles, cartman Potter st near Low
++Moles John, huckster, Gallows Hill
Moleyneaux Wm. saddler and harness maker, w
Pratt st near Eutaw
+Mollison Henry, laborer, Pine st
Molsbey miss Mary, 29 German st
Mondel mrs Catherine. 56 Fleet st
Mondel John L. tailor, 34 High st
Monhan Francis, Holliday st N of Bath
Monhan Wm. distiller, Holliday st N of Bath
Monk George, accountant, Exeter st near Water
Monk Andrew, sugar refiner, Market st, dw
George st near Pine

Monkur Doct. John C. S. 64 Ann st w side
Monroe Nathan, watch and clock maker,222 Bal-
timore at
Monroe Daniel, cotton spinner, 111 N Exeter st
Monroe John F. rigger, 25 Fleet st
Monroe John L. tailor, 34 s High st
Monsarratt rnrs Ann, tutoress, 5 Caroline row Car
oline st
Monsarratt N. apothecary, 150 Baltimore st
Monteer mrs. tailoress 4 Potter st
Monteith J. & R. jewellers and silversmiths, 141
Baltimore st. dw Penn av
Montell F. M. s Exeter st near Stiles
Montgomery Robert, stone cutter, sw cor Doug
lass & East sts
Montgomery John,shoemaker, 166 N Frederick st
+ Montgomery Nathaniel, carter, 32 Wilk st
+Montgomery Rosetta, Spring st near Wilk
+Montgomery Martin, turkey oil stone dresser,
Spring st near Fleet
+Montgomery Rachel, Hartford st near Beard
Moody Wm. & Co. granite cutter, sw cor Pine
and Pratt sts
Moody John B. & Co. tobacconists, 50 E Pratt st
near Smith's wharf, dw 1 Forest st
Moody Isaac, shoemaker, Aisquith st opposite
Hull's Jane
Moody & Higgins, druggists, 251 w Baltimore st
Moody Wm. druggist.cor Wagon alley and How-
ard st. dw 130 N Howard st
Moody Robert, carpenter, 20 1/2 n Gay st
Moody mrs Christina, 59 Ann st
+Moody John, Wagon alley
Mooney Hugh J. tailor, cor Charles and Conway
Mooney & Magers, tobacconists, 50 E Pratt st
Mooney Francis, weaver, Rock st near Saratoga
Mooney John, weaver, Rock st near Saratoga
Mooney Joshua, drayman, Lloyd st near E Pratt
Mooney Wm. weaver, Preston st near Ross
Mooney James, liquor store, Penn. av.
Moore William, seaman, w side Wolf st
Moore mrs Sarah, 39 Albemarle st
Moore capt Stephen H. clerk of insolvent com-
missioners, dw 19 s Exeter st
Moore Wm. sea capt. N end Fell st w side
Moore Samuel, bacon store, 97 Bond st


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Matchett's Baltimore Director for 1833
Volume 492, Page 133   View pdf image (33K)
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