McElwain James, weaver, Pierce st near Cove
McElwee Robert, drayman, Hill st near Potter
McElwee mrs Jane, Spring st near Pratt
McEnnis John, cooper, Front st betw Gay Sc
McEnnis Michael, cooper, Front st betw. Gay &
McFaddon mrs Mary, grocery, 42 w Pratt 8t
McFarland Francis, dry goods merchant, 36 Cen-
tre Market space
McFaul John, boot & shoemaker, Howard st ex-
tended near Tyson alley
McFaul & Co. dry goods merchants, 70 Lexing-
ton st
McFee John, tailor, Union st near Ross
McFerran mrs Ruth, s Charles st near Little
McFerran mrs Ruth Charles near Little Hughes'
McFerran mrs Jane, baker, 5 Second st
McGahon Thomas, carter, sw cor Front & French
McGall David, weaver, Cove st near Saratoga
McGannon John, seaman, send Wolf st
McGee William, grocer, cor Bond & Fleet sts
McGeoch Andrew, house carpenter, Maiden lane
McGerharty Bernard, Davis st near Bath
MeGerharty James, Addison st near High
McGill William, manufacturer, of cotton goods,
NE cor Hillen & Exeter sta, dw Potter st
near Hillen
McGill R. laborer, w side Wolf st
+McGill Sally, German st,
Mcgilton Daniel, sweep master, Rock st near
McGinn Michael, collector, 11 Wilk st
McGinn Barney, carter, cor Wilk st and Apple al.
McGinnes Richard, shoemaker, 26 New st
McGinnes John, tailor, Aisquith st near Gay
McGinnis E. laborer, 4 Wolf st
McGinn is John, gardener, Orleans st near Straw-
berry alley
McGinnis miss, fancy dress maker, 17 s Charles st
McGinnity O, innkeeper, 11 E Water st
McGinnity Owen, tavern keeper, 11 Water st
betw South & Calvert sts
McGinnity Felix, laborer, Centre st near bridge
McGivern Bernard, grocer and baker, Saratoga it
between Howard and Eutaw sts
McGlonigal Hugh & Co. grocery & dry goods
store, 93 N High st
McGorman Edward, laborer, 42 Ross st
McGowan Andrew, grocer, NW cor Aisquith &
Comet sts. dw 67 Pitt st
McGowan Hugh, laborer, Pierce stnear Cove
McGowan Hugh, laborer, Concord st near Prat
McGowan John, grocery and liquor store, eo
Eutaw and Lexington sts
McGrath mrs Susan, Concord st near Pratt
McGratta Edward, carter, Concord st near Prat
McGreevy Patrick, gardener, 146 N Eutaw st
McGregor George, locksmith, 10 s Calvert st
+McGruder John F. laborer, Short st
McGuire Thomas janitor of Baltimore University
McGuire miss Ann, seamstress, 46 w Fayette st
McGuire Henry, huckster, 61 Camden st
McGuire James, baker, Potter st near Low
McGuire Patrick, weaver, Whitworth's row near
Rock st
McGuire John, dry goods store, Hanover st near
McGuire Michael, Holliday st s of Pleasant, shop
50 N Gay st
McGuire Edward, huckster, Ruxton st near Light
McGuire John liquor store, 37 E Water st
McGuirk Peter, stone sawyer, Davis st nea
Bath st
McGuirk mrs Catherine, Crook'sback row, Mon-
ument st
McHenry Isaac, hatter, 6 Canal st near E Balt
McHenry Neal, laborer, Preston st
McHenry mrs Daniel, w Lexington E of Cove
McHenry J. ship carpenter, cor Philpot an
Bank sts
McHenry James, painter and glazier, eor Ne
and Paca sts
McHenry Matthew, fancy store, 69 1/2 N Howard
McIlhany John, grocer, 20 N Liberty st
McIlhany John, laborer, Holliday st N of Bath
McIlrea Crawford, weaver, Silver stnear Pierce
McIntire James, teacher, w Sharp st near Saratoga