Maddins John laborer, Rock st near Saratoga
Maddins Wm. cooler, Baltimore st w of Cove
Maddins George, cooper, Baltimore st w of Core
+Maddins Jesse, laborer, Biddle alley
Maddox Thomas, city watchman, SE cor Exeter
and French sts
Maddox C. T. 67 s Sharp st
Madewell Samuel, cigar maker, Sterling st near
Madinger John J. grocery & liquor store, cor Gay
and Monument sts
+Madison Joseph, laborer, Potter st near Low
Maduck Thomas, shoemaker, 84 Bond st
Magan mrs Mary, Penn, avenne near Union
Maganty John, iron moulder, n Calvert st near
Magee James, grocer, cor Star alley and Fleet st
Magee Mary, cor Ann & Fleet sts
Maglenan Dennis, city watchman, Penn, avenue
near Franklin st
Magness John, merchant tailor, 20 Baltimore st
Magness —— , merchant tailor, cor Water st and
Centre Market space
Magnus Zachariah, brickmaker, Montgomery st
E of Charles
Magruder, J. R. tobacco inspector, warehouse,
2 O'Donnell's wharf, dw 19 Second st
Magruder Wm. attorney at law, St. Paul's st s of
Magruder Richard B. attorney at law, office St.
Paul's st s of Saratoga, dw Saratoga gt w
of St. Paul's st
Magruder D. F. Charles st N of Lee
Magruder Adam, Scott st
Maguire Michael J. carpenter, shop 50 Gay st. dw
Holiday st
Maguire John, bookseller, 42 N Charles st
Maguire Doctor Charles, 15 s Gay st
Maguire James L. justice of peace, 72 s Charles
st, dw Pearl
+Mahan George, porter, s Eutaw st
Mahlsteeth Wm. H. sugar refiner, Water st near
Manner John, grocery & liquor store, Charles st
Mahoiner Mathias, seaman, Ann st near Alice
Mahorney Elisha, fisherman, Cross st a of Wil-
Major John, carpenter, E Water st near Exeter
Makens Thomas, laborer, Fall st near Beuren
Maker miss Margaret, Lunn's lane
Maker Benjamin, Armistead lane
+Maker Minta, washer, w Conway st
Malcom P. oyster and beer house, 30 Monument
Male Free School of Baltimore, on monitorial
system, T. Bassford, teacher, Courtland st
s of Pleasant
Male Wm. tailor, Bond st near Gough
Mall Andrew, seaman, 124 Wolf st
Mallen James, grocery & liquor store, NW cor
Fayette and Pearl sts
Malon Wm. shoemaker, Potter st near Pitt
Malone Daniel, carpenter, Sarah Ann st
Malone Wm. dry goods merchant, 45 Pratt st.
dw 45 w Fayette st
+Malone Julianna, Biddle alley
Mallor Augustus C. hosier, w Fall's av. near Pratt
Malov Francis J. ladies' fancy shoe, boot and
gaiter maker, 32 w Fayette st
Maloy mrs Susanna, E Pratt near Market st
Maloy mrs Mary, E Baltimore near Caroline st
Maloy Gonrad, tailor, Franklin st extended
Malseed Samuel, Richmond st near Howard
Malseed Samuel, jr. laborer, Richmond st near
Malseed Samuel, Richmond st
Man George, tinner, Ensor st
Mankin Isaiah, merchant and proprietor of New
York packets, cor Gay and Pratt sts. dw
cor Mulberry and Courtland sts
Mann G. B. tin ware merchant, Marsh Market
Mann John, grocery and liquor store, 117 Eutaw
Manners James, shoemaker, Friendship st
Manning William, grocer, cor Cove & German sts
Manning Benjamin, com. mer. Buchanan 's wharf
Manning John, block maker, 17 Bank st
Manning Samuel, Charles st E side w of Lee