Levering Jesse, comm. merch. 25 Cheapside, dw
cor Sharp & Lombard st
Levering Nathaniel, 20 Hanover st
Levering Jesse & Sous, wholesale grocers, 23
Cheapside st
Levering & Harrison, comm. merchants, 85 Bow-
ley's wharf
Levering S. & M. grocers and comm. merchants.
5 Bowlev's wharf
Levering Geo W. merch. 79 s High st
Levering mrs Sarah, s High st near Pratt
Leves Charles, carpenter, Mulberry st near Paca
Levi M. Walker, merch. Short all near Spring st
Levi mrs Sarah, Welcome alley
Levingston Wm. teacher, cor Howard st & Car-
penter alley
Levingston Peter, shoemaker, Lee st N side w of
Levingsion James G. shoemaker, Forest st near
Belle Air Market
Levingstoti James, shoemaker, Charles st w of
Levy Thom, painter, s Gay st opposite exchange
dw Water st E of Exeter
Levy Joseph, painter and glazier, Pratt st near
+Levy John, hair dresser, Potter st near Low
Lewis James, second hand furniture store, 109
Bond st
Lewis John, pilot, Alice Annn st near Wolf
Lewis Ann Maria, marketwoman, Temple st near
E Baltimore
Lewis Thomas, tailor, East st near N Douglass
Lewis John, carpenter, 21 Front st
Lewis William, cedar cooper, Park lane
Lewis Eli, Favette stnear Pine
Lewis mrs Rachel, cake shop, Montgomery st
E of Charles
Lewis James, Hill st E of Charles
Lewis capt. Levi, Light st near Hill
Lewis Elizab. seamstress, E Prntt st near Market
Lewis James H. carpenter, N Eden st near Silver
Lewis mrs Mary, milliner, 88 N Eutaw st
Lewis Joseph N. bookseller and stationer, 272 w
Baltimore et dw 24 Fayette st
Lewis miss Sarah D. fancy store, NE cor Liberty
& Lexiugton sts
Lewis John, merchant tailor, 14 South st
+Lewis Emanuel, porter, Fayette st w of Pearl
+ Lewis Charles, laborer, Bottle alley near Core st
+ Lewis Richard, laborer, 4 Ford st st
+Levvis Wesley, waiter, German lane
+ Lewis M. washer, Forest st
+Lewis John, Toy al betw Park st &. Lrew's al
+Levvis mrs Sally, 4 Lombard st
++ Lewis John, hair dresser, 50 Lexington st
+ Lewis Amir, blacksmith, German st w of Green
Lewis John laborer, Ross st near Long alley
+ Lew is John, whitewasher, 50 N Front st
+ Lew is John, waiter, Forest st near Gay
Ley burn Win. liquor store, North st N of Bath
Leypold Frederick grocery and liquor store 61 N
Gay st. dw 84 Harrison st
L'Homme Rev. Francis, St. Mary's college
Liddle Thomas, liquor store, 55 8 Frederick st
Light John, carpenter, Dutch alley
Lightbody John, chair maker, Orleans st
Lighthiser Wm. railroad driver, Baltimore st w
of Cove
Lightner Isaac, guager, E Baltim. st near Exeler
Lightner Henry, tin & sheet iron worker, Forest
st near Hillen
+Lillet Betsey, washer, Chnmberlain alley
Lilly Alonzo A. & Co. variety aore, 225 Bait, st
dw 85 Sharp st
Lilly Geo W. carpenter, Richmond st near Park
+Limmes Wm. drayman, Plensant st
Linche Rebecca, widow, cor Fleet & Ann St
+Linche Fanny, washer, Conway st
Lindall John, sea capt 87 Ann Ft
Linderman Conrad, baker, cor Busy alley & Ha-
nover St
Lindenberger miss Rebecca, boarding bouse, Cal-
vert st. betw Lexington & Saratoga sts
Lindenberger mrs Rebecca, Monument fquare
Lindenberger George ladies' shoemaker, 78 s Eu-
taw st
+Lindenberger John H. brick maker, Hill st
Lindsay Wm. grocery and liquor store, 62 w Sa-
ratoga st