Jacob George, silver smith, 58 N Howard st
Jacob John F. laborer, Rock st near Saratoga
Jacobay Miles, 10 n Frederick st
Jacobs Joseph, manufacturer of chemical colours
and French velvet paper &c. &c. French
st 2d door s from High
Jacobs Samuel, grocer, 3 w Baltimore st
Jacobs Elias, painter and glazier,16 E Mulberry st
+Jacobs Nathan, laborer, Pine st near Mulberry
Jacobson Henry G. w Lexington st
Jail Baltimore city and county, Falls av N of Madi-
son St
+Jakes Frederick, waiter, Calvert st
Jamart Michael, proprietor of the exchange cof-
fee house, 40 Water st
James Levi, beat builder, E end Fountain st
James Daniel, innkeeper, 27 Bond st
James Wm. Shakspeare st near Apple alley
James Basil, grocer, cor Paca and Mulberry sts
James Sam sawyer, Moore's alley
James Amos, 79 s Eutaw st
James mrs Mary, boarding house, 9 s Calvert st
James Henry, baker, 23 Commerce st
James John, tin manufacturer, 62 South st
James Joseph, plasterer, 12 Maiden lane
James mrs Jane, mantuamaker, Potter st near Gay
James mrs Charity, seamstress, East st N of Pitt
James John, N Gay st near Molt
+ James Sam. drayman, Pierce st
+James Edwin, carter, West st
+James Thomas, laborer, Moore's alley
++James Nancy, Gough st
Jameson mrs Sally, seamstress, Sterling st
Jameson Archibald, weaver, Preston st near Ross
Jameson Doctor cor Liberty and Lexington sts
Jamison John, cooper, Smith's wharf,dw E Pratt st
Jamison C. C. merchant, s Gay st opposite the
exchange, dw 41 Courtland st
Jamison Joseph, president Baltimore gunpowder
++Jane Mary, matrass maker, Butler's lane
Janney, Hopkins & Hull, importers of dry goods,
204 Baltimore st. dw B. H. Lombard st
between Sharp and Hanover
Janningo John, shoemaker, 129 Sharp st
Janningo Samuel, grocer and liquor store, 1 and 3
Fayette st
Janningo Robert, cordwainer, Fleet st near Bond
Janvier Thomas, com. merchant, 87 Smith's whf
Janvier Joseph, chair maker, 61 Front st
Janvier Peregrine, 1st bookkeeper in bank United
States, dw sw cor of Gough & Pratt sts
tJant Peter, laborer, Union st
Jaquers Lewis, clerk,cor Aisquith and Comet sts
Jaques Lewis, clerk, Orleans st
Jaquet Isaac G. currier, Long alley, near Lex-
ington St
Jarrett Thomas, box maker, High st near French
Jarrett Samuel, dry goods merchant, Paca st near
Jarrett Asbury, dry goods merchant, 20 Centre
Market space
Jarrett John, clerk, Conway st E of Eutaw st
Jarrett Thom, carpenter, French st near Front
Jarvis Amos, miller, Charles st N of Hill
Jarvis Joseph, grocer and produce merchant, 5
w Franklin st. N of Howard st
Jarvis miss Ann, seamstress, 45 w Saratoga st
Jarvis Leonard, merchant, dw w Charles st
Jarvis Wm. H. boot Jand shoemaker, Holland st
Jarvis mrs Elizabeth, 45 w Saratoga st
Jason John, seaman, county wharf
Jason George, seaman, 14 Block st
Jay Stephen, carpenter, Water st near Exeter
Jay Samuel, shoemaker, 8 Caroline it
Jay Thomas W. clerk, 125 Sharp st
Jay Thomas, Sharp st E side near Lee
Jay Joseph, accountant, 50 Camden st
Jay Stephen, E Water st
Jean mrs mantuamaker, 215 Howard st
Jefferies mrs Lydia, Lombard st w of Sharp
Jeffers mrs Barbary, York st near Charles
Jeffers James, constable, Lombard st near Han-
over st
Jefferson Wm. (firm of Heslip & Jefferson,) dw
7 Lexington st
Jefferson Deborah, shop keeper, E end Wilk st
Jefferson mrs Elizabeth, Short alley near Con-
way st
++Jefferson Joe, laborer, Lerew's alley