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Matchett's Baltimore Director for 1827
Volume 491, Page 246   View pdf image (33K)
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Stinger John, glass blower, foot of Federal Hill near the
glass house
Stine Wm G. grocer, NW cor Pitt and East
Stinson Stephen, labourer, Fleet S side E of Caroline
Stirratt David, grocer and domestic goods manufacturer,
SW corner N Gay and Potter, and N W cor Aisquith
and N Gay
Stitcher John, cabinet maker, Park W side S of Franklin
Stites Wm carpenter, Spring, W side N of Gough
Stith Griffin, Pearl W side S of Franklin
Stockdale John, clerk, Mulberry, S side E of Pine
Stocksall Edwd labourer, SE cor Park lane & Carroll's al
Stockdon John, blacksmith, 22 E Baltimore
Stockton & Stokes's stage office, adjoining the post of
fice in Monument square, N Calvert st and 185 1/2 Bal-
more—see register
Stoker Elijah, 144 N Exeter
Stokeley Jonathan mariner, Bank st S side E of Straw-
berry al
Stokes Wm. (firm of Stockton & Stokes) dw Hamilton,
E of Cathedral
++Stokes —— laundress, Fayette, S side W of Pearl
Stokes mrs Rachel. Albemarle, E side N of Granby
+Stokely John, caulker, Argyle al N of Alisanna st
Stone Richd bricklayer, 92 N Howard
Stone James jr. dry goods merchant, 101 Baltimore
Stone Edwd drayman, 25 Exeter
Stone Thos, carpenter, Pearl E side N of Lexington
Stone mrs A N. 9 Mercer st
Stone mrs Mary, 9 Mercer st
Stone Adam, jeweller, 34 S Charles
Stone Jas dry goods merchant, Baltimore, dw Hanover W
side S of Barre
Stone Edwd drayman, N Gay N side E of Forest
Stonebraker G. merchant, S Howard, 2d door from Balti-
more, dw Hanover W side S of Lombard
Stoops mrs Mary, 46 South
++Storr John, labourer, Strawberry al N of W ilk st
Story Kennedy, house carpenter, Franklin, S side near
Stouffer John & Jacob, flour merchants, 37 N Howard
Stouffer John, (firm of John & Jacob Stouffer) dw Eutaw,
W side N of Fayette
Stouffer Jacob firm of John & Jacob Stouffer) dw 35
Fayette E of Eutaw
Stouffer Henry, 35 Fayette, E of Eutaw
Stout Jos cabinet maker, Potter, E fide S of Low

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Matchett's Baltimore Director for 1827
Volume 491, Page 246   View pdf image (33K)
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