Wilson James, labourer, Lerew's alley s of Richmond st
Wilson Comfort, washer, Union alley e of Eden st
Wilson Thomas, labourer, Madison st w of Sterling
Wilson Harriet, whitewasher, Short st s of Jefferson
Wilson James, coachman, Short st n of Orleans
Wilson Samuel, e side Eutaw st 1 door s of Ross
Wilson Shem, carter, e side Gay st s of Aisquith
Wilson Geo. labourer, French lane
Wilson James, shoemaker, Hull lane w of Aisquith st
Wilson Carver, labourer, Ensor st n of Madison
Wilson Anthony, drayman, Forest st s of Douglass
Wilson ———— washer, Forest st n of Douglass
Wilson Frederick, porter, East st n of Douglass
Wilson Richard, w side Potter st s of Gay
Wilson Samuel, hackman, Carpenter's alley w of Eutaw st
Wilson Elijah, cobbler, Conway st w of Howard
Wilson Christian, washer, Wolfe alley s of Perry st
Wilson Sophia, washer, Hill st w of Hanover
Wilson Thomas, drayman, Wayne st w of Sharp
Wilson Andrew, labourer, Cross st e of William
Wilson Martha, Howard st s of Barre
Wilson David, labourer, s side Salisbury st e of Canal
Wilson Daniel, huckster, e side Happy alley s of Bank st
Wilson James, w side Happy alley n of Wilk st
Wilson Charles, drayman, e side Apple alley s of Baltimore st
Wilson Wm. carter, w side Strawberry alley s of Bank st
Wilson James, labourer, Strawberry alley n of Pratt st
Wilson Daniel, stevadore, Mince al betw Caroline and Spring s
Wisher Daniel, carter, Charles st n of West
Wisher Rachel, washer, Charles st s of West
Wisher Harriet, washer, Charles st s of West
Wisher Henry, labourer, Charles st s of West
Wolford Henrietta, washer, s side French st e of Exeter
Wood Elizabeth, washer, Eutaw court opp Eutaw church
Woodland Henry, farmer, Asbury lane near Baltimore st
Woodlin Elizabeth, cor Raborg and Amity sts
Woods James H. barber, s w cor Hillen and East sts
Woods Stephen, labourer, w side Potter st s of Low
Woodyard John, labourer, Biddle alley near Ross st
Woodyear Caleb, drayman, Sarah Ann st e of Penn, avenue
Woodyear Wm. sawyer, Hill st e of Howard
Woolford Henny, washer, Half moon alley
Woolford Stephen, labourer, Scott st s of Columbia
Woolford B. labourer, n of West st w of Charles
Worrell George, barber, Gay st. dw Forest s of Orleans
Worthington George, barber, n side Gay st e of Forest
Worthington Vachel, labourer, Scott st n of West
Worthington Brice, porter, State st n of Franklin
Wright James, Raborg st e of Schroeder
Wright Robert, labourer, Slemmer alley s of Pratt st
Wright Jane, washer, e side Market alley n of Mulberry st